[MyISU] Enrollment Issues Instructions between Banner and Moodle


Includes scenarios and solutions to help ITRC Staff resolve rare enrollment issues.


Includes scenarios and solutions to help ITRC Staff resolve rare enrollment issues.

A student should not be in this course

Scenario: Instructor calls about a student that is not in their MyISU roster but in the Moodle course. 



  1. Go to Moodle ISU and gather the following:

    • Course

    • Student Name

    • Student Email

    • Instructors' contact info - email preferred. 

  2. Review the Student enrollment method: Banner/Luminis Message Broker vs Manual Enrollment.

    • Banner/Luminis continue to the next step.

    • Manual Enrollment - students can be removed at the discretion of the instructor.

  3. Go to Banner: https://sieb.isos.isu.edu:7781/applicationNavigator/seamless.

  4. In the search, type the following: GUISRCH (general search).

  1. In the email field, type the student’s email and click Go.

  2. In the ID column, record the ID number.

  3. Click the close button.



  1. In the search, type the following: SFAREGQ (Registration Query).

Note: the information from your search will follow you.

  1. In the term field, type the term (Fall 2018 = 201910).

  2. In the ID field, type the Student ID and click Go.

  3. Review the information, looking for the Course in question.

Note: Registration Status: RE,RW,WW,W student is enrolled. DP student is not enrolled.

  • If the course in question is not to be found or DP, Then student can be unenrolled in Moodle ISU.

  • If the course in question is found with RE,RW, Then the student is enrolled in Moodle ISU.

  • If the course in question is found with WW,W, Then the student is enrolled but can be unenrolled or given Inactive Status in Moodle ISU.

  • If the course in question is found with LW, then the student is on the wait list.

Student should be in the course

Scenario: Instructor calls about a student that is in their MyISU roster but not in the Moodle course. 



  1. Gather the information from the Instructor / Verify information in Moodle ISU:

    • Course 

    • Student Name

    • Student Email

  2. Go to Banner: https://sieb.isos.isu.edu:7781/applicationNavigator/seamless.

  3. In the search, type the following: GUISRCH (general search).

  1. In the email field, type the students email and click Go.

  2. In the ID column, record the ID number.

  3. Click the close button.



  1. In the search, type the following: ICGORODM (On Demand Synchronization LDIS).

  2. The Process field: ICGORODM, Parameter set: (left blank), click Go.

  3. You can choose to look up the Person or Section.

    • Person - In the Parameters column, Locate SPRIDEN ID; In the respective Value column type student’s ID number.

    • Section - In the Parameters column, Locate CRN & TERM; in respective Value columns type CRN & Term (Fall 2018 = 201910).

  4. Move to the submission block, At the bottom of the page, click Save.

  5. Go to Moodle ISU and verify the student is now enrolled (this may take a few minutes).

Academic Course is in banner not in Moodle

Scenario: Instructor calls that their course isn’t showing up in Moodle. 

  1. Gather the following information about the Instructor:

    • Name

    • Email

    • Course (Term and CRN preferred)

Before going to Banner, you should double check Moodle, Search for the course (checking the In Progress, Future, or Past tabs and using the search bar). In some cases, the course is created but with a different instructor of record. 

Also, check the class schedule. If it is not in the class schedule the Faculty member should work with their Department Course Scheduler who submit information to the Office of the Registrar to update the course information. Updating the form will populate a course in Moodle. 

If you can verify that the Academic Course is in Banner/MyISU/Class Schedule but not Moodle proceed to the next set of steps.



  1. Go to Banner: https://sieb.isos.isu.edu:7781/applicationNavigator/seamless.

  2. In the search, type the following: SSASECT (schedule).

  1. Fill in the following fields:

    • Term - (i.e 201910 Fall 2018 / 201920 Spring 2019 / 201930 Summer 2019 / 202010 Fall 2019)

    • CRN - Course Record Number (five digit number in parentheses of the course name)

  2. Click Go

  3. On the new page, look for the integration Partner field

  1. If the field is blank, There was no Moodle course created.

  2. In this event, the Faculty member should work with their Department Course Scheduler and the Office of the Registrar to update the course information. Updated the form will populate a course in Moodle. 

Manually create Moodle Account


  1. Go to Moodle ISU and gather the following:

    • Course

    • Student Name

    • Student Email

    • Instructors contact info - email preferred. 

  2. Go to Banner: https://sieb.isos.isu.edu:7781/applicationNavigator/seamless.

  3. In the search, type the following: GUISRCH (general search).

  1. In the email field, type the student’s email and click Go.

  2. In the ID column, record the ID number.

  3. Click the close button.


  1. Go to Banner: https://sieb.isos.isu.edu:7781/applicationNavigator/seamless.

  2. In the search, type the following: GOATPAD (general search).

  1. In the ID field, type the users Spriden ID (if you did GUISRCH, the ID should auto-populate with the user’s name).

  2. Write down the “Sourced ID”.

  3. Click the close button.

  4. Go to Moodle and create the account.

(Note: you can also use GOATPAD to find the user’s Username


  1. Go to the “Browse list of users” page, click “Add a new user”.

  2. Match Username to the users 4x4 or FirstnameLastname. (Use the information in GOATPAD if you're not sure).

  3. Change authentication method to SAML2

  4. Fill in FirstName, LastName, Email Address

  5. Under “Option”, “ID number” type users sourced id.

  6. Click create user.



Article ID: 110667
Tue 6/23/20 11:03 AM
Fri 12/20/24 2:11 PM