Moodle ISU | Curve / Bonus Points / Extra Credit



For transparency in grading, you can add a grade item in the gradebook for bonus points.

Note: The following methods (offset and multiplicator) transfer to future semesters if activities are imported. Both offset and multiplicator methods adjust the score in the gradebook so the quiz will show the un-adjusted score.


The offset is a number added to every score after the multiplicator. Add the bonus points as the offset in activity's gradebook settings.


The multiplicator is the factor by which all grades will be multiplied. It adds a percentage of the student's score. For example, if the multiplicator is 1.1, it will add 10% of the students' score, so a student who got 10% will get 11% and a student with 100% will get 110%. The multiplicator can increase a score past 100%, so any grades over 100% will have to be overridden if the instructor wants them to max out at 100%.

If the multiplicator = 2 and max grade = 100, all grades less than 2 are multiplied by 2 and all grades 50 and above = 100.

First example:  If the instructor gave students 66 questions on an exam, but wants to take a score out of 60 questions (meaning students could miss any 6 questions and still get 100%):

  • set the max grade of the exam to 60

  • divide the number of points (or questions) possible by the max number of points to get the multiplicator

    • 66 ÷ 60 = 1.1 [66 ÷ 60 = 11 ÷ 10 = 1.1]

    • so 1.1 is the multiplicator

Another example: the exam has 80 questions, but the instructor wants the score out of 60 (students could miss any 20 questions and still get 100%)

  • 80 ÷ 60 = 1.3

  • 1.3 = multiplicator

If the decimal is repeating, use Wolfram's alpha (as many decimals as possible) for the multiplicator.

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This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.



Article ID: 121365
Tue 12/1/20 11:20 AM
Thu 12/19/24 10:44 PM