Zoom Recording: Archive Procedure for Zoom Cloud Storage


Cloud Storage limitations and process for moving cloud recordings to other platforms.


Archive Policy

Users can keep their videos on Zoom Cloud Storage for the duration of the semester. Recordings are set to auto-delete after 365 days when initially recorded. For example, a cloud recording created on Aug 23, 2022 would be deleted on Apr 30, 2023 . If a user has made a recording that they want to keep indefinitely, It is recommended to move a copy of desired recordings to Google Drive or Panopto.

Users are free to delete unwanted recordings at any point during the semester. Users will receive an email notification from Zoom <no-reply@zoom.us> 7 days before the cloud recording is going to be permanently deleted from trash.

This Guide Will Help You to:

  • Store recordings to Google Drive

  • Manually delete recordings

  • Seek further assistance

Store Recordings to Google Drive

  1. Sign in to zoom.us, and select Recordings.

  2. Locate the desired recording.

  3. Click more, select Download (# file).

  4. Follow the prompts from the computer to save the files. 

  5. Sign in to drive.google.com.

  6. At the top left, click “New” and then  “File Upload” or “Folder Upload”.

  7. Choose the file or folder to upload.

Storage Alternatives

Follow the same steps (1-4) to download your recordings from zoom.us and then follow the steps for your desired storage platform:

Manually Delete Recordings

  1. Sign in to zoom.us, and select Recordings.

  2. Locate the desired recording.

  3. Click more, select Delete

Note: Recordings will be stored in the Trash for 30 days. Users are able to recover or permanently delete files within that range. 

Seek Further Assistance

For more information please visit, Zoom Help Center.



Article ID: 131278
Tue 4/6/21 1:45 PM
Fri 12/20/24 3:27 PM