Zoom: Manage Breakout Rooms



Breakout rooms allow you to split your Zoom meeting in up to 50 separate sessions. The meeting host or co-host can choose to split the participants of the meeting into these separate sessions automatically or manually, or they can allow participants to select and enter breakout sessions as they please. The host or co-host can switch between sessions at any time. 

This Guide Will Help You to:

  • Responding to request for help

  • Broadcasting a message to all breakout rooms

  • Allowing participants to record in the breakout room

Responding to a Request for Help

Participants in breakout rooms can request that the meeting host join their meeting by clicking Ask for Help.

  1. Once the participant is in the breakout room they have the option to “Ask for Help”

  2. The host in the main room will receive a notification on which user requested help and which room to join. The host can choose to ”Join Breakout Room” or dismiss the notification by selecting “Later”.

Broadcasting a Message to all Breakout Rooms

The host or co-hosts can broadcast a message to all breakout rooms to share information with all participants. This can be done from the main session or from within a breakout room. 

  1. Click Breakout Rooms in the meeting controls.

  2. Click “Broadcast message to all”, enter your message, and click “Broadcast”.

  3. The message will now appear for all participants in breakout rooms.

Allowing participants to Record in the Breakout Room

If the host wants the participants to be able to record the discussion in the breakout room the host must choose one participant in the assigned breakout room to designate and give the recording abilities to.

  1. From the main room or inside of the breakout room under the participants list the host can grant recording permissions to users. 

  2. Hover over the users name select “More” scroll down to “Allow to Record Local Files”

Seek Further Assistance

For more information please visit, Zoom Help Center:



Article ID: 131540
Wed 4/14/21 11:55 AM
Wed 1/22/25 2:02 PM