User can't find Moodle course


Help ITRC staff check the following areas when users aren’t able to see their course.


Help ITRC staff check the following areas when users aren’t able to see their course:


FDS Students can:

  • Check the visibility of the course to make sure it is available to students. If not, the student needs to contact the instructor to make it available. (But faculty are not under any obligation to have courses available before the start of the semester.)

  • Check the Past, In Progress, and Future tabs of the Dashboard page. 

    • If the course should be on the “In Progress” tab, change the course Start Date to match the start date listed in the online course schedule. Not all courses are full semester courses or have dates synced with the semester.

    • If the course is on the “Past” tab and should be on the “In Progress” tab, check that the course end date is accurate. 

  • RARE Check the Student's enrollment. 

    • Have the student check in Banner (MyISU) to make sure they are registered and not on a waitlist. This can be confusing for students and faculty.

      • DP = Student Dropped (DP) the course.

      • RE, RW  = Student is Registered (RE) / Web Registered (RW) the course.

      • W, WW = Student is Registered, but Withdrawn (W) / Web Withdrawn (WW) from the course.

      • LW = Student is on a waiting list (LW). 

    • Check to see if the number of enrolled students in the online class schedule matches the number of enrolled students in the course.

    • ITRC staff can check Banner enrollment to make sure that the student is registered for the correct course. Refer to Enrollment ISSUE Instructions.

      • Make sure to gather:

        • Course Name (CRN)

        • Student Name

        • Student Email

        • Instructor’s Email. 

Email template:

Hello StudentName,

Moodle ISU courses are generally made available to students on the first day of the semester. However, instructors can control access to courses and course materials. After the semester start date, if you still can't locate your class on Moodle, you can contact your instructors for more information about the availability of the specific courses.




FDS Students can:

  • Check the Past, In Progress, and Future tabs of the Dashboard page.

    • If the course should be on the “In Progress” tab, change the course Start Date to match the start date listed in the online course schedule. Not all courses are full semester courses or have dates synced with the semester.

    • If the course is on the “Past” tab and should be on the “In Progress” tab, check that the course end date is accurate.

  • Verify that the instructor is the Instructor of Record in Moodle (They have the teacher role and are enrolled by Banner/Luminus on the Moodle Participants page). 

    • If they aren’t listed, check the Online Class Schedule to see who is currently assigned as Instructor of Record.

    • If they aren’t listed in either the Class Schedule or Moodle ISU, the instructor needs to work with their department course scheduler to update that change. 

    • If they need immediate course access, we need an email from the “instructor of record” or department chair to manually add them in the course. They still need to work with the department to make it an “Official” change.

  • RARE Check the Instructor’s assignment.

    • ITRC staff (Michael, Sacha, & Lance) can check Banner enrollment, to make sure that the Instructor is assigned to the correct course. Refer to Enrollment ISSUE Instructions.

      • Make sure to gather:

        • Course Name (CRN)

        • Instructor Name

        • Instructor’s Email. 


ITRC Staff

How courses get added from Banner to Moodle.

There is an initial upload of data for each semester:

  • Fall - April 1

  • Spring - November 1

  • Summer - February 1

If those days are a weekend or holiday, the upload will be later. If the registrar modifies the scheduling calendar, those days will be later. Data might not be finished uploading until the end of the day, potentially as late as the next morning..

After the initial upload of course data for a semester, courses and enrollments are added to Moodle ISU as they created in Banner.



Article ID: 131545
Wed 4/14/21 12:50 PM
Sun 12/22/24 4:27 PM