Activity Completion FAQ [Faculty]



Activity completion or progress tracking, allows the instructor to monitor student progress through the course. Setting the activity completion options dictates when an activity will be marked as complete. 

This Guide Address the Following:

Why is Activity Completion On by Default?

Completion tracking is to help instructors guide and motivate students.

  • Indicating the “completion criteria” will help students know what they need to do

  • You can be intentional with the criteria 

  • It is connected to the Completion Progress block.  As criteria are met or not met, the blue boxes turn green, yellow, and red to help students stay on track.

  • It can be turned off, however, you will be removing a key feature many students use to keep track of their progress in your course and their other courses.

Too Much White Space

  • Switch to Student View, it is much better without all the editing icons.

  • Shorten the title of the items

    • The pencil icon drops below longer names adding more white space

    • If the due dates are in the titles, show how to turn on the “Show activity dates”

    • Turn on the Show Activity Dates

      • Click on the gear

      • Select Edit Settings

      • In the Appearance section, change “Show activity dates” to yes.

      • Click save

      • REMIND the faculty to take the dates out of the names - or offer to do this for them.

Too Much Scrolling

Yes, Moodle does have lots of scrolling.  This is especially true when you are in edit mode with all the editing icons.

  • Switch to Student View, to see what the scroll will look like for the students.

  • Shorten the title of the items

    • The pencil icon drops below longer names adding more white space

    • If the due dates are in the titles, show how to turn on the “Show activity dates”

  • Use the navigation menu to jump down to specific weeks

  • Switch to “Show one section per page” course layout

    • This layout collapses the weeks to an overview and then students click on the title of the week to see what is in each week.

    • Faculty, in edit mode, can still see the entire course.

      • Click on the gear

      • Select Edit Settings

      • In the Course Format Section, change “Course layout” to Show one section per page.

      • Click save

Adds Clutter / The Checkboxes were Smaller

The development of the new features was designed to make the criteria more transparent for students.

This information shows up on the inside of activities (Quizzes, Assignments, etc.) so you can turn it off on the front page  However, if you have important items that are Files and URLs, this information will not be visible.

  • Turn off the Completion Criteria showing on the Main Page

    • Click on the gear

    • Select Edit Settings

    • In the Completion Tracking Section, change “Show activity completion conditions” to Yes.

    • Click save

EVERYTHING has This and Does Not Need it

This new view will help you be more intentional in how you guide and direct students to the important aspects of your course.

  • Use the bulk edit option

    • Click on the gear

    • Select Course Completion

    • Select the “Bulk edit activity completion”

    • Check the box to the left of all the items that need to be changed in the same way.

    • Click the “Edit” button (at the top or bottom)

    • On the next screen, you can change the completion criteria and set an expected date of completion (the use of the dates is currently uncommon.)

    • Click save

Seek Further Assistance

For additional assistance please contact, ITRC at (208) 282 5880 or

Helpful Resources

For more information please visit,

Creative Commons License

This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License




Article ID: 137006
Thu 8/19/21 10:45 AM
Wed 11/15/23 10:43 PM