Online FERPA Training Guide


These are step by step instructions created by Abhilaasya Chenurri for the new FERPA training requirement implemented by the University Registrar.


Issue / Question
How to complete the online FERPA training in the Talent Management System. 
  • Where can I go for online FERPA training?
  • How do I take the ISU online FERPA training?
  • Platform
    • ISU Talent Management System
  • Audience Affected
    • Faculty
    • Staff
Log In to MyISU
  1. Log in to MyISU with your ISU Username and Password.
  2. Navigate to the Main Menu (top left) and
  3. Click the the Work Category 
  4. Locate the Talent Management System card
  5. Click on Access Talent Management System
  6. Type your ISU Username and Password and Click SUBMIT
    • Note:  Please email if you have any issues accessing the Talent Management System
Access the FERPA Training
  1. Click on the Training tab (top menu) 
  2. Click on Browse Training
  3. Click on Browse All for an easy search of the training.
  4. Locate the Type filter (on the left) 
  5. Click on Curriculum, and you will see FERPA Online Training (see picture below)

Type: Curriculum books

Note: The FERPA Training consists of 2 steps and both steps, and you need to complete both steps to complete the FERPA training successfully.
  1. Click the FERPA Online Training
  2. Click Open Curriculum to start the FERPA training
  3. Watch the FERPA Training Video
  4. Return to the course and fill out the acknowledgment form to complete the course.

Note: Once you finish your training, Arian Cannon will receive an email confirming completion. After that, your access request can proceed.



Article ID: 156728
Mon 1/29/24 11:12 AM
Wed 12/18/24 11:30 AM

