This guide will help you use an ISU Canvas Course Card template to make a course card that can be used on your ISU Canvas course.
This Guide Will Help You to:
Customize an ISU Canvas Course Card Template
The ITRC has generated a set of ISU Canvas Course Card Templates. These templates follow the ISU Branding guidelines, using recommended colors, fonts, and logos. To download and customize the templates:
Go to the ISU Canvas Course Card Templates Google slides link and select Use Template. This will allow you to make a copy of the card templates.

Select the Course Name or Course Number placeholder text to add your current course name and course number.

[Note: When a card is uploaded to Canvas as a course card, a three-dot menu will appear over the image in the upper right corner. Avoid placing any text or images in this corner.]
Once you have finished editing the text on your course card template, download the slide to your computer by going to File, Download, and selecting either a PNG image or JPEG image.
Upload and remove a Canvas Course Card
Canvas will accept JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG files as course cards. To upload a course card into ISU Canvas:
On the Course Navigation menu, select the Settings option.

On the Settings page, select the Course Details tab if it is not selected by default.
Under Course Details, select the Choose Image button in the Image section to upload a course card.

You can either drag and drop the image or you can select the Upload Image area to upload a file through a file manager.

Once an image has been selected, the upload will begin automatically.
Replace or Remove a Canvas Course Card
By removing a course card, you will be able to upload a new course card image, or you can leave it blank. Canvas will let the user choose to fill it with a solid color on the Dashboard page. To replace or remove a Course Card:
On the Course Navigation menu, select the Settings option.

On the Settings page, select the Course Details tab if it is not selected by default.
Select the three-dot menu on the course card image.

Select Choose image to replace a course card with a different image. To remove a course card without replacing the image, select Remove image.

Guidelines for Designing customized ISU Canvas Course Cards
Faculty can customize their own course cards for their course. For best results, please follow the guidelines below:
Set the image size to either Widescreen 16:9 for a sharper image or 262x146 pixels for a softer image.
Save the file in a Canvas-compatible format such as JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG.
Leave space in the upper right corner to account for Canvas’ three-dot menu.
Consult the ISU Branding website for ISU-approved assets and guidelines for logos, colors, fonts, and other assets. As the course card will be used online, you should use the website colors recommended for cohesion, ease of use, and accessibility.
Seek Further Assistance
For additional assistance, please contact the ITRC at (208) 282 5880 or
For more information, please visit Instructure | Community Canvas - Instructure Community: Canvas Instructor Guides:

This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.