The Moodle Workshop tool will not import into Canvas as there are more options for peer review in Canvas. You will need to determine which tool in Canvas you would like to use for peer review and build your activity directly in your Canvas course.
- Review the Canvas Assignment vs. Canvas Discussion for Peer Review.
- Follow the instructions for your selected option for peer review.
Canvas Assignment vs. Canvas Discussion for Peer Review
Canvas Assignments for Peer Review
Students submit their work directly in the assignment.
Canvas can automatically assign reviewers, or you can assign reviewers manually.
Provides a clear structure for students.
Everyone who submits their work is assigned as a peer reviewer.
Students are notified in their dashboard when they are assigned as a peer reviewer.
Peer reviews can be set as anonymous.
Instructors can see the work and the peer review comments together in the Speed Grader.
A Rubric can be used for peer comments.
- If the assignment is set to automatically assign reviewers, late submissions will not be assigned a reviewer.
- To assign a grade to the reviewer, instructors will need to create a No Submission assignment and assign points in that assignment.
Canvas Discussions for Peer Review
- All initial work is public.
- Peer reviews can only be created in graded discussions.
- There is no option to make it anonymous.
How do I create a Canvas assignment for peer review?
How do I create a Canvas discussion for peer review?