Faculty can schedule and start Zoom meetings to support distance learning, office hours, lecture capture, and access their cloud recordings by adding the Zoom External Tool to their Canvas ISU course.
Faculty can schedule and start Zoom meetings to support distance learning, office hours, lecture capture, and access their cloud recordings by adding the Zoom External Tool to their Canvas ISU course.
To add Zoom to a Canvas course, follow these steps:
- Open your ISU Canvas course.
- Go to the Modules page in your Canvas course.
- Select the + (Add Item tool) within a module to add an item
- Use the drop-down menu to select External Tool
- Select Zoom
- In Page Name, name the activity.
- Select Add Item
How do I schedule a Zoom meeting in my ISU Canvas Course?
To schedule Zoom meetings follow these steps:
In the ISU Canvas course, select the Zoom activity just added via the external tool.
In the top right corner, click Schedule a New Meeting.
Review the following settings:
Topic: Enter a topic or name for your meeting. The default will be the name of course as listed in ISU Canvas.
Description: Enter in an optional meeting description.
Calendar Details:
When - Select a date and time for your meeting. You can manually enter any time and press enter to select it. For example, you can enter 15 in the minutes field to schedule a time with a 15-minute increment.
Duration - Choose the approximate duration of the meeting. This is only for scheduling purposes. The meeting will not end after this length of time.
Time Zone - By default, Zoom will use the time zone set in ISU Canvas.
Recurring meeting - Check if you would like a
recurring meeting (the meeting ID will remain the same for each session). This will open up additional recurrence options.
Recurrence - Select how often you need the meeting to recur: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or No Fixed Time. Meetings can recur up to 50 times, so if you need more than 50 recurrences, use the No Fixed Time option.
The other recurrence options will depend on how often the meeting recurs. You can configure the meeting to end after a set amount of occurrences or have the recurring meeting end on a specific date.
Passcode: Enter a
meeting passcode. Joining participants will be required to input this before joining your scheduled meeting. Note: The meeting passcode must meet complexity requirements set by your admin.
Meeting Options:
Host - Choose if you would like the host's video on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the host will have the option to start their video.
Participants - Choose if you would like the participants' videos on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the participants will have the option to start their video.
Audio - Allow users to call in using Telephone only, Computer Audio only, or Both.
Allow participants to join before start time - Allow participants to join the meeting without you or before you join.
Mute participants on entry - If
join before host is not enabled, mute participants as they join the meeting. Participants can unmute themselves after joining the meeting.
Note: To mute all participants currently in a meeting, see the options to
manage participants.
Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) - If enabled rather than generating a random meeting id, the meeting will use your PMI. Use this feature sparingly.
Alternative Host - Enter the email address of another user who has an ISU licensed account, on your account to allow them to start the meeting in your absence.
Save Options:
Save - Creates meeting session(s)
Cancel - Cancels the creation of meeting session(s)