Activities Block [Faculty]


The Activities block lists and allows navigation between the different activities that are utilized in the course (assignments, forums, quizzes, resources, etc.).



The Activities block lists and allows quick navigation between the different activities that are utilized in the course (assignments, forums, quizzes, resources, etc.).

This Guide Will Help You to:

  • Add the Activities Block

  • Move the Activities Block

  • Use the Activities Block

Add the Activities Block

  1. Toggle editing on.

  2. In the block drawer located on the right side of the course, click on Add a block.  


[Note: If you do not see the block drawer, click on the < to open it.]


  1. Select Activities from the Add a block list.


Move the Activities Block

  1. Toggle editing on.

  2. Locate the block you would like to move.

  3. Click and hold the perpendicular arrows.


  1. Drag the block to the space you would like it to occupy.

  2. Release the cursor.

Use the Activities Block

  • The Activities block provides quick links to all types of course activities

  • Click on any of the links in the Activities block to see a list of those activities. For example if you click Assignments in the Activities block, you will see a list of all the assignments in the course. 

Seek Further Assistance

For additional assistance please contact, ITRC at (208) 282 5880 or


Creative Commons License
This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License



Article ID: 54513
Fri 5/25/18 11:33 AM
Wed 11/15/23 11:38 AM