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Instructions on how to add or drop classes
Instructions on how faculty can drop a student from their class who has not shown up to class.
Information about the Benion Student Union (Idaho Falls) Drop-In Computer Lab, including hours and software available.
Hours of operation, equipment, and software available at the Turner Resident Hall Computer Lab on the Pocatello campus
Information about the Eli Oboler Library Lab, including hours of operation and software available
Information on the hours, software and equipment available at the Rendezvous Dropin computer lab on the ISU Pocatello campus
Information about the Center for Higher Education 201 lab in Idaho Falls, including hours and software available.
Hours of availability and equipment available in the ISU Meridian computer lab room 829
Students who withdraw from a course after the designated add/drop date will be placed in a suspended enrollment status in Moodle ISU.
There are several types of questions that you can add to a Quiz. This guide will provide brief descriptions of each question type. Click on the Additional Information link to learn how to create each type of question.
Below are explanations of the different types of questions that you may see in your quizzes.  If you have any questions about a quiz, contact your instructor.
There are a variety of reasons that you may want to import a file into your Moodle ISU gradebook.  It might be easier to input and track your grades in Excel, or you may need to include grades from an external system in your Moodle ISU gradebook, or you may need to move grades from one course (such as a lab section) to another.
How to import .MBOX files into Thunderbird.
Learn how instructors can download student data from a quiz for research or archive purposes.
Forums in Moodle ISU allow students to answer questions, reply to one another, and discuss specific topics.