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Forum Preferences allows the user to adjust forum notifications, subscriptions, and tracking of read and unread posts in forums.
Moodle Notification Preferences allow the user to adjust Moodle notifications over the web, email, or mobile app. You can choose to turn off notifications, or opt-in to receiving notifications such as the “New Sign-in to your Moodle ISU Account” notifications.
Users can customize Moodle to their own personal preferences. They can change general information such as their location, timezones, preferred languages and themes. They can add a profile picture and a brief description about themselves. Users can also change preferred settings such as how their email will be displayed and the format. Users can change subscription types and tracking forums.
The Choice activity allows an instructor to ask students a single question and offer a selection of possible responses.  With this tool you can assess basic understanding of a topic, take a quick poll, and/or ask for group member preferences in learning activities, among other things.
This overview will help you learn about each method of online course communication found in Moodle ISU and when you might choose to use it
Learn how instructors can download student data from a quiz for research or archive purposes.
How to install GlobalProtect VPN on Mac OS Devices
Instructions on How to find an IP Address.
Host Zoom web conferencing update for Summer Semester. ISU Zoom Licensed users can use the cloud features while remaining HIPAA compliant. Review the following article to get an overview of new features at ISU.
A brief overview of Moodle ISU. It will help you to locate information in the Moodle environment and to understand the functions inside of Moodle that you will see frequently.
If you are having trouble with your audio, you should check the following items.
Importing questions allows instructors to create questions outside of Moodle ISU and quickly upload them to their question bank. This feature saves the instructor time by cutting out the need to recreate questions within Moodle.
As soon as a student begins a quiz the attempt can be seen on the Results page. After grading, either automatic or manual, the results and an overview of performance can be viewed.
Details how to find Mac Addresses for different devices.