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Instructions on how to enter or change your preferred first name in MyISU.
The Import function allows course content to be moved from one course to another within the same instance of Moodle.
The Folder resource allows you to create a folder containing various files with one link on the front page of your Moodle ISU course.
Forums in Moodle ISU allow students to answer questions, reply to one another, and discuss specific topics.
Forums in Moodle ISU allow students to answer questions, reply to one another, and discuss specific topics. You may also choose to subscribe or unsubscribe to forums. This determines whether you receive email notifications anytime your instructor or a fellow student posts a new discussion or reply.
There are a variety of reasons that you may want to import a file into your Moodle ISU gradebook.  It might be easier to input and track your grades in Excel, or you may need to include grades from an external system in your Moodle ISU gradebook, or you may need to move grades from one course (such as a lab section) to another.
All EPAF Approvers should have at least one proxy set up to cover their approvals when they are not available. This article explains how to set up a Proxy.