Adding and Editing Desktops in TDNext

Issue / Question
Instructions on adding and editing desktops for tasks. 
  • What are desktops in TDNext?
  • How do I add a desktop? 
  • Platform
    • TigerTracks
    • TDNext
  • Audience Affected
    • IT Staff
Types of Desktops
There are two types of desktops within TDNext:
  1. Desktops defined in the Desktops application
  2. Application specific desktops
The Desktops application lets you create multiple desktops (Up to 4), one of which will be the default desktop displayed when you open the application.  Many, but not all, applications have their own desktop, such as the desktop for the Projects/Workspaces Application.  
Many, but not all, applications have their own desktop, such as the desktop for Projects/Workspaces application.  An application's desktop can only show data specific to that application.  
ISU TDX Desktop and admin desktop
Creating or Editing a Desktop
To create a desktop, either
  • Go to your Desktop Application (TDNext>Desktop), select 'Desktop', or
  • Go to the specific TDNext Application, such as the Projects/Workspaces application, select 'Desktop', and then click "Edit Projects/Workspaces Desktop.'  You can only have one application-specific desktop per application. 
In the Desktop Application, if you want to edit an existing desktop, click  Edit Desktop.
Edit desktop
If you have multiple desktops, click the gear in the top right corner to go to
My work
"Manage Desktops,' and choose the desktop you want to edit.
Manage Desktops
To edit an application-specific desktop, such as Projects/Workspaces, click on the tab and choose Edit Desktop.
TDNext desktop task bar
Changing Desktop Content
Once you have opened the desktop to edit it, you will see two tabs, Details and Content.  Under the Content tab, not the 'Edit Layout' button.  Here you can change how many columns to see on your desktop and where the columns should be.  You can also add 'Available Content' into columns.  This includes built-in content, and reports made visible to the desktop module.  
Switching Between Desktops
In the Desktop Application, you can create many desktops.  You can switch desktops by choosing the desktop name in the drop-down box.  To change your default desktop:
  1. Click the gear to go to 'Manage Desktops.'
  2. Click the name of the desktop that you want to make the default
  3. Go to the 'Details' tab
  4. Click the 'Set as Default' button
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Article ID: 91532
Thu 11/7/19 11:19 AM
Sat 12/16/23 11:42 PM