View and Pay Fees


Instructions on how to view and pay fees at ISU.


Issue / Question
  • How do I pay fees?
  • How do I view semester fees?
  • How do I know how much money I owe?
  • Platform
    • MyISU
    • TouchNet
  • Audience Affected
    • Students
View Fees
  1. Log in to MyISU
  2. Select the Student Finances link (left)
  3. Go to the Online Fee Payment section
  4. Click Account SummaryAccount InformationAccount Detail for Term, or Proceed to TouchNet.
    • Account Summary provides options of an overview and views by period and term, which can be selected by the dropdown menu. Current balances can be seen at the top.
    • Account Information provides a list of transactions or a list of any deposits selected from the tabs. Current balances can be seen at the top.
    • Account Detail for Term provides a breakout of charges, payments, and financial aid for the selected term. Current balances are seen at the bottom.
Note: The three above options also provide an option to print (printer icon), view holds (Holds), and pay now (Pay Now) in the top right.
  • Proceed to TouchNet takes you directly to TouchNet, where you can see the current balance at the top of the home screen or a breakout by clicking the My Account tab, then Account Activity.
Pay Fees

  1. Follow the instructions to View Fees, and click Proceed to TouchNet.
  2. Click Make Payment or Enroll in Payment Plan (center) and follow the directions.
If viewing fees under Account SummaryAccount Information, or Account Detail for Term, select Pay Now and choose a Term. Enter the amount to be paid, and click Pay Now. You will then be taken to TouchNet to confirm.
Notes: Credit card payments will be made with a convenience fee of 2.85%, but electronic checks have no extra fees.
            If you have questions or concerns about your account, please call (208) 282-3000, so our customer service personnel can assist you.

In-Person Payment
You may pay student fees with cash, check, debit, or credit card at the Cashier's Office. Debit or credit cars will be made with a 2.85% convenience fee.
  • Pocatello: Cashier's Office, 3rd Floor Administration Building
  • Idaho Falls: Student Services Office, Room 218, 2nd Floor, Bennion Student Union Building
  • Meridian: Cashier's Office, 1311 E. Central Drive
  • Twin Falls: In-person payments are not accepted.

Pay Via Mail
You can mail a check to the University. Make your check out to ISU and mail it to:
Cashier's Office
Idaho State University
921 S. 8th Ave., Stop 8219
Pocatello, ID 83209-8219
Note: Be sure your check is sent early enough to arrive at the University before any deadlines, especially dis-enrollment deadlines.
Cashier's Office
(208) 282-3000



Article ID: 153092
Mon 7/24/23 2:02 PM
Wed 12/18/24 2:26 PM