Supervisor Guide in the Talent Management System


Supervisors guide to using the Talent Management System


Issue / Question
A supervisor's guide to using the Talent Management System and giving employee evaluations. 
  • How do I give an Employee evaluation?
  • How do I co-plan an employee evaluation?
  • How do I see past evaluations?
  • Platform
    • MyISU
    • Talent Management System
  • Audience Affected
    • Staff
    • Supervisors
As a Supervisor, your role is to create an evaluation of each employee and to review the approved evaluation with the employee.  Follow these steps to accomplish this task. 

Beginning an Employee Evaluation 
  1. Log in to MyISU
  2. Locate the Talent Management System card
Note: Search Discover Cards if you are missing this card
  1. Select Access Talent Management System
  2. Click on the Your Action Items heading to see the complete list of tasks awaiting your attention. 
    • Note: Only a partial list is displayed below that heading otherwise.
  3. Click on the employee’s name to open the Overview page to begin the evaluation.
    • Pay special attention to the information under the Supervisor heading, which describes your role in this process, as well as the Review Step Progression chart at the bottom that tracks progress through the evaluation process. 
  4. Click Get Started on the bottom right.

Employee Evaluation Sections 
  • Performance Evaluation Job Details: 
    1. Type or paste text to fill these required boxes. Text entered here will be carried forward to next year’s evaluation. 
    2. Your response in each section is limited to 3000 characters. 
    3. Click Save and Continue to move to the next section.
  • Performance Evaluation Competencies: 
    1. Evaluate the employee on each of the listed competencies. Employee self-evaluation comments can be seen above the Comments section. 
    2. For each competency, choose a rating after reviewing the examples provided for each rating level of that competency. 
    3. Click the Select button, and then click the desired rating. Enter support for your rating in the Comments section.
      • Note: If you do not enter comments, your evaluation will be returned to you.  
    4. Click Save and Continue to move on in the evaluation, or Save and Exit to close the evaluation. 
  • Performance Evaluation Goals
    1. Use this section to set goals for the employee for the next review period.  Any goals entered here will be brought forward into the next evaluation, and employees will be able to check their progress on these goals. 
    2. Create goals using one of two methods:  Regular or Wizard
      • Regular method
        1. Click Add Goals to open the Create Goals window. 
        2. Complete the Goal by working your way down the screen: Title, Description, Start and Due Dates, Categories, Tasks, and Targets. 
        3. Click on the icon next to Categories to see the 4 Core Themes for ISU and tie the goal to one of those themes. 
          • Note: Each Task or Target must be assigned a weight, and the weights need to add up to 100 for all the tasks or all the targets in each goal.
      • Wizard method
        1. If you are familiar with the SMART goal process, you can click on the Wizard button (upper right).
        2. This will open a new window to coach you through the SMART goal steps (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Timely).    
    3. When you are finished with a particular goal, click Save.  Repeat these steps to add additional goals as desired. When you are finished, click Save and Continue (do NOT click Submit yet). 
  • Summary: 
    1. This shows the employee’s overall rating, calculated from the individual ratings you entered. 
    2. Click Submit* once you've reviewed the rating.  This moves the evaluation on to the next person on the list. 

If someone else will also be evaluating this employee (due to dual report positions, for example), do NOT click Submit after reviewing the final rating until the Co-Planner has done their evaluation. Follow these steps to add a Co-Planner to this evaluation.
  1. Click Options in the upper corner of the Summary screen,
  2. Select Add Co-Planners from the drop-down list.
  3. Click on the search icon at the far right of the field to open a search window.
  4. Enter the name, position, or manager you want to add, and click on the magnifying glass icon on the right.
  5. Click on the name you want to add to the list of people who match your search.
    • You can add additional Co-Planners by searching again or Clicking Save to save your selection.
  6. Click on the x beside any name in the Add Co-Planners window to delete a co-planner
    • ​​​​​​Important: Do NOT click Submit if you have chosen a co-planner. Clicking Submit will send this evaluation on to the next level of evaluation without giving the co-planner any access.   
  7. Contact the co-planner you added to coordinate who will submit this evaluation once the co-planner has completed evaluating the employee.
  8. Click on Log Out in the upper right corner. 
    • Note: Co-Planners perform the same steps as Supervisors but are able to see the Supervisor’s comments, ratings, and goals, as well as being able to add their own. 
    • Warning:  If the Co-Planner clicks the Submit button at any point while completing the evaluation, it will move on to the next person in the approval queue, and the Co-planner and Supervisor will no longer be able to access the evaluation. 
  9. When both evaluators are finished, one should click the Submit button
  10. Click Submit again when the Submit Review screen opens.  

Evaluation Approval Queue 
  • HR Review:  The entire document is reviewed by HR personnel to make sure all the required fields have been filled in and that the language is appropriate.
  • 2nd Level Supervisor Review:  Reviews the evaluation and signs off on it. 
  • VP Review:  Reviews the evaluation and signs off on it.   

Signing Off the Evaluation 
After the VP finishes his review, the evaluation is sent back down the queue. You will get an email when the evaluation is ready for you to sign and meet with the employee. Once you sign the evaluation and click Submit, the evaluation will immediately be available for the employee to see. You should plan to sign the evaluation in conjunction with the evaluation discussion you have with your employee.
  1. Log in to the TMS system and click on the evaluation you wish to sign off, shown in the Your Action Items section.
    • The Review Step Progression chart will show that you are at the second to last step:  Supervisor Sign-Off
  2. Click the Get Started button.    
  3. Click Next on each page of the evaluation. You cannot make any changes to the evaluation at this point. 
  4. Enter your first and last name in the Manager box, and click Sign.
  5. Click Submit to finish.
    • Once you have submitted the evaluation, it will be removed from Your Action Items list, and you will need to meet with the employee to present them with their evaluation results. 
  6.  Review the evaluation with the employee and instruct them to review, acknowledge, make comments, and submit their evaluation.

My Team 
  • This link at the top of the TMS page provides access to your team’s evaluations and goals year-round and will also provide historical data. 
  • Use this to individually track an employee’s progress on goals throughout the year.



Article ID: 153110
Tue 7/25/23 10:17 AM
Wed 12/18/24 2:16 PM