ISU Alerts


Instructions for how to set up or modify your emergency contact numbers so you can be reached in an emergency.


Issue / Question
ISU has an alert system to notify you when there are emergencies. 
  • How do I sign up for ISU notifications?
  • What are ISU alerts?
  • How do I update ISU alert info?
  • Platform
    • ISU Alert System
  • Audience Affected
    • Faculty
    • Staff
    • Students
Sign Up for ISU Alerts
  1. Log in to MyISU
  2. On the home page under ISU Alerts, select ISU Emergency Notification System or click the link here.
  3. Verify your information, making sure to add the cell phone numbers and email addresses you want to be notified.
That’s it! If you need assistance or have questions, call (208) 282-2515.
Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
  • What is ISU Alerts?
    • ISU Alerts is an emergency notification system for quickly delivering phone, text, and email messages to Idaho State University students, faculty, and staff during an emergency.
  • What kind of notifications are sent, and when?
    • Severe Weather
    • Campus closures
    • Evacuations
    • Critical Situations
    • Serious Crimes
    • The system will be activated when there are immediate threats to the health or safety of those in the university community. Notifications will be sent via landline phones, cell phones, text messages, and email.
    • ISU Alerts complement other emergency notification forms, such as the siren system, public address systems, university website, university Facebook, and university Twitter.
  • Who decides when the emergency warrants sending out an ISU Alert?
    • The ISU Alerts emergency notification system will be activated by the Director of Public Safety or his designee when confirmation is made that an emergency event has occurred or is about to occur on campus.
  • How fast will the emergency notification get to me?
    • The speed of the message will vary with the size of the audience, network congestion, and time of day. The goal is to deliver a message to everyone as soon as possible.
  • How many messages will I receive during a single emergency?
    • You will receive one message from each notification method for which you have provided information for ISU Alerts. If you provide information for all three notification methods, you'll receive a telephone, text, and email notification.
  • If I sign up, can I receive messages in an emergency?
    • Message delivery depends on many factors, including our local phone carrier networks. Depending on the nature and scale of the emergency, message delivery may be unavailable or delayed. SMS text messages can become lost or slow during busy times, so we encourage you to enter at least one voice messaging contact.
Sign-up and Update your information.
  • How do I sign up to receive emergency messages?
    • The email address for most students and employees will be added to the ISU Alerts system automatically.
    • To ensure you will be notified in an emergency, log in to MyISU and select ISU Emergency Notification System under ISU Alerts on the Home page. Verify your information, making sure to add the cell phone numbers and email addresses you want to be notified.
  • Why do you need so much contact information?
    • In an emergency, we will use all available contact information to try to reach you. The more information you provide, the more likely you will get the message.
  • My contact information changed. How can I update it?
    • To make changes, log in to MyISU and select ISU Emergency Notification System under ISU Alerts on the Home page. Make any changes needed to the information shown there. 
  • Can I stop the notifications if I don't want them?
    • You can opt out of all notifications except the one sent to your official University email address. To opt-out, log in to MyISU and select the ISU Emergency Notification System on the Home page in the ISU Alerts section.  Delete your mobile phone information and other contact methods if you would like to stop receiving notifications.
  • Does changing my contact information for ISU Alerts also change my official contact information with Idaho State University?
    • Your participation in ISU Alerts will not change your official contact information. Your official records can be updated in MyISU in an area separate from the ISU Alerts system.
  • How long will I be signed up for ISU Alerts?
    • You will be signed up as long as you are an active student or employee of the University (Students may receive messages up to one semester following graduation.)
    • You will be reminded to review your contact information and preferences once a year.
  • Can parents sign up to receive emergency messages?
    • Students can add their parent's contact information to their ISU Alerts account. To do so, log in to MyISU and select ISU Emergency Notification System under ISU Alerts on the Home page, and add their information.
Text Messages
  • How do I sign up to receive text messages?
    • Log in to MyISU and select ISU Emergency Notification System. Verify your information and add the cell phone numbers you want to be notified.
  • I didn't receive a text message on my cell phone from ISU Alerts. Why?
    • You can sign up for SMS text messaging notifications by providing a text-enabled phone number. Just go to MyISU and select ISU Emergency Notification System. Add the cell phone number you want to be notified.
  • I signed up to receive text alerts. Why haven't I received a confirmation message?
    • Please check with your mobile phone provider to see if your device accepts text messages. You may also want to check with your provider to see if text messaging has been enabled. You may need to subscribe to a text messaging plan to receive or reply to text messages.
  • I do not want to receive text messages. What do I do?
    • Just go to MyISU and select ISU Emergency Notification System. Delete the cell phone numbers you no longer want to be notified.
  • Do I need to opt in again if I change my mobile phone provider but keep the same number?
    • No. Once your phone number has been opted-in, it stays registered with the system.
  • Am I charged my normal texting fees?
    • Yes. You will be charged according to the plan in place with your system provider.
Phone Voice Alerts
  • My telephone is forwarded to somewhere or someone else. How do I get the alert?
    • ISU Alerts will follow your forwarding path.
  • What happens if my phone is busy when an alert is sent?
    • ISU Alerts will disconnect and retry your phone.
  • What if I have voice mail or an answering machine?
    • ISU Alerts will attempt to leave a message on the voicemail or answering machine.
  • What number will show up on my caller ID when an emergency message arrives?
    • (208)282-3936
Email alerts
  • What email address will show when an emergency is incoming?
  • I received an email from, but I never signed up. Why?
    • As a student or employee of the University, you are automatically signed up to receive notifications through your official University e-mail.
  • My email notifications are being filtered as SPAM. What do I do?
    • You must add to your email program's "safe sender" list. This can usually be accomplished by adding both email addresses to your email contacts/address book. Call (208) 282-HELP for assistance.



Article ID: 153324
Mon 7/31/23 11:07 AM
Wed 7/3/24 2:26 PM