Employee Self-Review in the Talent Management System


Instructions on how employees can complete the Self-Review process as part of their annual performance evaluation.


Issue / Question
Using the talent management system located in MyISU for your employee self-review. 
  • Where is the Employee self-review? 
  • How do I complete the self-review? 
  • Platform
    • MyISU
    • Talent Management System
  • Audience Affected
    • Staff
As part of your annual performance review, you will be asked to complete a self-review of your job performance for the prior year.  These instructions explain using the Talent Management System to complete this self-review.
  1. Log in to MyISU with your ISU Username and Password.
  2. Select Employees, then Actions & Information
  3. In the Talent Management System box, select Access Talent Management System.
  4. A link to your performance evaluation should be in the Your Action Items box, top left.  Click on that link to open your evaluation.
  5. Review this page, paying special attention to the Employee section and the Step Progression diagram at the bottom of the page.
  6. Select Get Started, bottom right.
    1. Performance Evaluation Job Details: Your supervisor will complete this page. Click Save and Continue. 
    2. Performance Eval Goals Review: The goals shown here were set during your last year's evaluation. To update your progress on these goals, click on the Performance tab, then select Goals from the drop-down list. Click on the Expand Arrow to the right of each goal to access the Attachments and Comments sections. Click Close to save changes you enter and collapse the goal again. Click on the back arrow to return to the Performance Evaluation. Once you have reviewed and updated your goals, click the Save and Continue to move to the next section.
    3. Performance Evaluations Competencies: Key attributes used in your evaluation. Enter your comments about your performance on each attribute in its Comments section, then click on Save and Continue to move to the next section.
    4. Summary: Right above the percentage circle, there is an Options box. Click on the drop-down list to access the following options:
      • Attachments: Allows you to attach up to 3 files to your Self-Evaluation, so others in the evaluation process can access them. 
      • Employee Details: Shows your basic employment details.  
      • Print Review: Creates a pdf of the evaluation for printing. 
Finishing your Evaluation
  1. Click Submit to send the evaluation to your supervisor.
    • You will not be able to make any changes to your evaluation until it has made its way through the process shown on the overview screen. You will be notified when the evaluation is ready for your review with your supervisor. 
    • However, you can look over what you submitted by clicking on the Performance tab and selecting Performance Reviews. Select My Personal Reviews, then select the review you wish to open. Please note: although you can see the review, you cannot make any changes to the information you submitted. 



Article ID: 153327
Mon 7/31/23 11:13 AM
Wed 12/18/24 2:01 PM