Talent Management System: Accessing Your Evaluation


Instructions on how to access your past and current employee evaluations.


Issue / Question
How to access your evaluation.
  • How do I see my evaluation?
  • How do employees access their employee evaluations?
  • Platform
    • MyISU
  • Audience Affected
    • Staff
    • Student-Staff
Talent Management System: Accessing Your Evaluation
Your evaluations are available to you anytime you wish to revisit them.
  1. Log in to MyISU
  2. Select Employees
  3. Click the Actions & Information link (left), then find the Talent Management System portlet. Click on Access Talent Management System.  
  4. Under the Performance heading, select Performance Reviews from the drop-down list.
  5. Select the My Personal Reviews tab. Select the evaluation you wish to access by clicking on its name on the left. To print off a PDF version of your evaluation, open it, then click on the printer icon at the top right and follow the instructions on the Print window that opens.  



Article ID: 153344
Mon 7/31/23 1:03 PM
Wed 12/18/24 2:17 PM