Lesson Activity: Settings [Faculty]


The Lesson is an adaptive self-directed learning activity. Creating a lesson module can sometimes require significant planning.



The Lesson is an adaptive self-directed learning activity. Creating a lesson module can sometimes require significant planning.

This Guide Will Help You to:

  • Add a new lesson activity

  • Modify the edit settings

  • Seek further assistance

Add a new lesson activity

  1. Enable editing mode.

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  1. Locate the week or section in which you wish to add the new assignment.

  2. Select Add an activity or resource.

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  1. Select Lesson.

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For more information, see Adding an Activity in Moodle ISU [Faculty].

Modify the edit settings


  1. In the Name field, type the lesson title. (This field is required.)

  2. In the Description field, type any instructions or reminders for your students.

  3. If you would like this description displayed on the course page, check the Display description on the course page checkbox.

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  • Progress Bar - If enabled, a bar is displayed at the bottom of lesson pages showing approximate percentage of completion.

  • Display menu - If enabled, a menu allowing users to navigate through the list of pages is displayed.

[Note: For additional settings, select “Show more…”]

For more information, see Moodle.org: Lesson Appearance.


[Note: To enable any of these settings, you must first select the Enable checkbox.]

  • Available from - Prevents participation until after the specified time.

  • Deadline - Allows participation at any time before the specified date and time.

  • Time limit - Sets an amount of time a participant has to complete the lesson.

[Note: For additional settings, select “Show more…”]

For more information, see Moodle.org: Lesson Availability.

Flow control

  • Allow student review dropdown menu, Select Yes or No.

    • Selecting yes allows students to navigate through the lesson again from the start immediately after completing it.

    • Selecting nol prevents students from reviewing the lesson.

  • Provide option to try a question again dropdown menu, Select Yes or No.

    • Selecting yes allows students additional attempts to answer each question for no points.

    • Selecting no allows students one attempt per question. 

  • Maximum number of attempts per question dropdown menu, Select the maximum number of attempts allowed for each question.

    • When the maximum number of attempts is reached, the next page of the lesson will be displayed.

[Note: For additional settings, select “Show more…”]

For more information, see Moodle.org: Lesson Flow control.


  1. In the Grade dropdown menu, Select the appropriate type for the lesson.

  2. None - No grade will be recorded.

  3. Point - Allows you to enter the maximum grade.

  4. Scale - Allows you to choose a scale.

[Note: If none of the default scales are appropriate, you will need to create a custom scale in your gradebook for it to be available in the list. Scale values are not included in overall grade calculations.]

  1. In the Grade category dropdown menu, Select the appropriate category from your gradebook if applicable. 

[Note: You must first create a category in your gradebook for it to appear on this list. For information about creating categories in your gradebook, see Using the Moodle ISU Gradebook [Faculty].]

  1. In the Grade to pass text area, type a minimum grade required to pass the lesson. Leave blank if you don’t have a required grade to pass.

    • The minimum grade cannot be more than the maximum grade for the entire lesson.

  2. In the Practice lesson dropdown menu, Select Yes or No.

    • Selecting yes prevents the lesson from showing in the gradebook. 

    • Selecting no adds the lesson in the gradebook.

  3. In the Re-takes allowed dropdown menu, Select Yes or No.

    • Selecting yes allows students to attempt the lesson more than once.

    • Selecting no allows students one attempt.

[Note: For additional settings, select “Show more…”]

For more information, see Moodle.org: Lesson Grade

Common module settings

Choose whether to Show or Hide the activity.

For more information, see Moodle.org: Common module settings.

Restrict access

For more information, see Moodle.org: Restrict access.

Activity completion

For more information, see Moodle.org: Activity completion.


For more information, see Moodle.org: Using tags.


For more information, see Moodle.org: Competencies.

Save settings

  • Enable the Send content change notification checkbox if you’d like to notify students that the activity has been added or updated.

  • Click Save and display to be taken to the Lesson activity.

  • Click Save and return to course to be taken back to the course homepage.

  • Click Cancel to delete the activity and return to the homepage of the course.

Seek Further Assistance

For additional assistance, please contact the ITRC at (208) 282-5880 or itrc@isu.edu.

For more information, please visit Moodle.org:

Creative Commons License
This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.



Article ID: 50351
Thu 3/15/18 4:09 PM
Wed 11/15/23 3:42 PM

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