Searching the Knowledge Base


How to search the Knowledge Base.


Issue / Question
The Knowledge Base is filled with how-to, troubleshooting, errors, general information, links, and FAQ articles available to faculty, staff, and students.
  • How do I search in the Knowledge Base?
  • How do I find an article in the Knowledge Base?
  • Platform
    • TigerTracks Knowledge Base
  • Audience Affected
    • Faculty 
    • Staff
    • Students
Sign in to the Knowledge Base
  • To view a complete list of services and Knowledge Base articles, faculty, staff, and students should sign In to the IT Service Portal with your ISU credentials.
  1. Click Sign In (top right header in orange)
  2. Type Username
  3. Type Password
  4. Click Sign In
  5. Approve login using the DUO mobile app or hardware token
Search the Knowledge Base
There are two ways you can search the Knowledge Base to find the information you are looking for
  • Client Portal Search
    • Provides the broadest search; it searches all articles in the Knowledge Base, including the Service Catalog. An excellent feature for a general search but, at times, could provide too many results.
      1. Type Search Word into the Search the client portal box (top right header, white box)
      2. Click the Magnifying Glass 
      • Note: Results will be provided in alphabetical order unless marked as a priority
  • Knowledge Base Search
    • Searches all articles in the Knowledge Base, excluding the Service Catalog. 
      1. Click Knowledge Base (orange header bar)
      2. Click Category for the search
      3. Type a Search Word in the Search this category box (right side of the category)
      4. Click the Magnifying Glass to perform a search.
        • Note: Results will be provided in alphabetical order for that category unless marked as a priority



Article ID: 133829
Wed 6/30/21 5:56 PM
Thu 7/25/24 10:46 AM