Using GlobalProtect VPN Client


Running GlobalProtect VPN


Issue / Question
  • What is VPN?
  • What do I need to connect to VPN?
  • How do I request access?
  • How do I install VPN?
  • Platform
    • Global Protect
  • Audience Affected
    • Students
    • Faculty
    • Staff
 A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is used to access many ISU resources, such as Argos, Banner, encrypted machines, and licensed software while working from home or traveling for Idaho State University. A VPN provides a secure connection to ISU's network from off-campus, and access must be approved before connecting to ISU's network from off-campus locations. 
Table of Contents
Appropriate use of the VPN Client
ISU Resources requiring VPN use from off-campus
Requesting VPN Access
Installing the VPN client software
Using the VPN client
Disconnecting VPN

Appropriate use of the VPN client 
  • A VPN connection to ISU should be used when accessing a resource otherwise unavailable, such as Argos or Banner Administrative Forms.
  • Another reason to use the VPN connection is to connect over an untrusted network, such as in a local coffee shop or airport.
  • Users should initiate a VPN connection, accomplish what they need to do for their job then disconnect to free up resources for other users.
  •  It is recommended to only do things over a VPN connection that one would do on their office computer at work.
  • It is discouraged to do things like streaming videos, music, or moving large amounts of data unless it is required for your job. 

ISU resources requiring VPN use from off-campus 
  •  Applications:
    • Banner Administrative Forms
    • Argos
    • Institutional Research Internal Website
    • ePrint Finance Repository
    • CollegeNet
  • Remote connectivity:
    • Encrypted computer validation to EPO servers
    • Authentication to Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office license servers
    • Remote desktop connections

Requesting VPN Access 
  1. VPN access has to be granted to users by the Information Technology Services department.
  2. If access has not been requested, please request access.
  3. An e-mail confirmation that access has been granted is needed before being able to install the software.

Installing the VPN client software 
  • Installing GlobalProtect software on a PC 
  • Installing the GlobalProtect software on a Mac

Using the VPN client 
  1. Launch GlobalProtect from the Start Menu on Windows
    • Note: Find GlobalProtect through Spotlight Search on Mac.
  2. Type the Portal Address
  3. Type ISU Username and Password
  4. You will need to dual authenticate using Duo
    • If using the Duo Mobile app:
      1. Click Connect
      2. Duo will send a push to your phone without a prompt. You will need to approve the access using your Duo Mobile app.
    • If using a Duo token or a passcode from the Duo Mobile app or iAM:
      1. Add a comma and the current passcode to the end of your password (no spaces)
        •  ex. password,123456
      2. Click Connect 

Note: Duo will remember this login for 12 hours for this device.  

Disconnecting VPN 
  1. Open the GlobalProtect icon
  2. Select Disconnect



Article ID: 152962
Tue 7/18/23 4:44 PM
Thu 12/19/24 1:31 PM