Configure VPN on Windows Devices


How to install Global Protect VPN software on Windows Devices.



VPN access is required to access certain ISU services and websites from off campus. You can request access to the GlobalProtect VPN to access necessary content when off campus.

Request Access 

  • Submit a request: VPN Access
    • You will need an e-mail confirmation that access has been granted before installing the software.

Install GlobalProtect

You will need an e-mail confirmation that access has been granted before installing the software.
  • Determine your Windows Architecture (32bit or 64 bit)
    1. Open Settings 
    2. Select System 
    3. Select About 
    4. Under System Type, check if you are on a 64 bit or 32 bit processor.
Install GlobalProtect
  1. Log in using your ISU username and password.
  2. You will need to verify your login with DUO
    • Note: If you are using a mobile device, DUO will send a push but may not show a notification. Open DUO to accept the push.
    • If you are using a DUO token or passcode, add your six digit code after your password with a comma before connecting.
      • ex. Password,123456
  3. Select Download Windows 64-bit GlobalProtect agent or Download Windows 32-bit GlobalProtect agent, matching the architecture you found earlier.
  4. Find and run the GlobalProtect Installation Package in your downloads folder.
  5. Select Next when the installation screen appears.
  6. Select Next on Select Installation Folder
  7. Select Next on Confirm Installation
  8. Wait for the installation to complete, then click Close. 
  9. A new window should open. If it does not click the ^ in the bottom left
  10. Then click the Globe 
  11. Type for the portal address
  12. Type ISU Username and Password
  13. You will need to verify your login with DUO
    • Note: If you are using a mobile device, DUO will send a push but may not show a notification. Open DUO to accept the push.
    • If you are using a DUO token or passcode, add your six digit code after your password with a comma before connecting.
      • ex. Password,123456
  14. Click Connect 
    • Note: Duo will remember this login for 12 hours for this device.  
  15. Select Yes on User Account Control
Disconnecting the VPN (Always disconnect from the VPN when not actively working for Idaho State University)
  1. Right-click the GlobalProtect VPN icon
  2. Select Disconnect

Contact ITS if you need additional assistance  




Article ID: 54347
Tue 5/22/18 4:22 PM
Fri 12/20/24 12:57 AM

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