From Approved Project Request to Active Project


Approval of a Project Request does not automatically create a project. Other steps are necessary to move an approved Project Request to an active Project


Issue / Question
Explanations for the Active project workflow. 
  • What is the workflow for active projects?
  • How does a project go from approved to active?
  • Platform
    • Enterprise Applications
  • Audience Affected
    • Staff
Assignment of the Workflow
Once a Project Request has been received,  the PPM Administrator will assign a workflow, and the request will be reviewed by the appropriate ITS manager.   At this time, there are two Portfolio Planning Workflows: 
  1. Enterprise Applications Manager Approval
  2. Portfolio Planning Workflow
Initially, most projects will required only Enterprise Applications Manager's approval; therefore the 1st workflow will be assigned.  The Portfolio Planning Workflow will be assigned once the request process has matured, and is rolled out to the entire campus. 
Evaluation of the Request
The request will be evaluated to determine whether the work can be performed within the existing resources.  If there are inadequate resources available to assign the project and the request is of an urgent nature, other projects may be rescheduled to staff the requested project.  If additional information is needed to assess the request, it is returned to the requester with feedback.  In order for a project request to become a project, it must be staffed.  Portfolios must also be assigned for reporting purposes.
 Migrating an Approved Request to a Project
  1. Enter the Portfolio Planning Application
  2. Click the "Approved" link in the left navigation bar
  3. Search for or select the project request you wish to staff
  4. Click the "actions" button and choose the "Staff" option
  5. Change the dates for the project if desired
  6. Assign the project to a portfolio.  (Refer to Portfolios section)
  7. Select how time will be approved for the project
  8. Select whether or not to update project start and end dates by project plans(s) (TBD)
  9. Select whether or not to add all new project members to the project contact list. 
  10. Select which notifications to enable for the project manager
  11. Click the "Next" button
Staffing:  Add Resources/Manager
  1. Add at least one resource by clicking the functional role look-up button and selecting a user.
  2. Make at least one resource the project manager by selecting the "Manager" radio button of the appropriate resource.
    • If no resource forecasts were added to this request, assign a manager using the Manager lookup.
  3. Click the "Next" Button
Portfolios - Management Reporting
  1. To view current Portfolios used by ITS, in TDNext enter the Analysis Application
  2. In the left navigation bar, Click on "Portfolios."
  3. Add at least one Portfolio representative of the organization responsible for the project.
  4. If the project is co-managed, for example, the Fischer Implementation Project, add the other appropriate organizations.
  5. Projects that are to be reported to other levels of management are assigned the "ITS Projects" portfolio.
"ITS Internal Projects" has been set up for projects that do not require Director oversight.  



Article ID: 93901
Thu 12/5/19 1:36 PM
Wed 12/18/24 11:54 AM

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