ITS Project Manager Processes


A project plan is the strategy for achieving the project goals and the course of action to be taken. The plan defines the project in terms of what is going to be done, the resources needed to perform the work and the basis for evaluation of project progress.


Issue / Question
The process for ITS project management.
  • What is the process for ITS projects?
  • What are the plans for ITS projects?
  • Platform
    • ITS
  • Audience Affected
    • Staff
ITS Project Manager Processes
General Responsibilities:  Lead and direct projects. Monitor and communicate project progress to internal and external stakeholders. Complete projects on schedule and within budget by forecasting project requirements and coordinating resources and timetables with management, ITS staff, customers, and third-party consultants. Build and maintain collaborative relationships with project stakeholders. Maintain flexibility in adapting project management processes to environment and project demands. Perform other related duties as assigned.
Create a Plan:  In collaboration with stakeholders, management, and the project team, define project scope, goals, and deliverables.  Begin by scoping the project:  Identify the milestones/ deliverables, requirements, assumptions, and constraints.  This establishes an understanding of the work to be performed and sets the boundaries for the project.  Be specific to eliminate confusion and miscommunication—document planning assumptions to eliminate selective amnesia and rework.  The cardwall or waterfall will help with visualization. 
Identify the Project Team:  Determine the resources necessary to perform the project tasks.  Think from the start of the project to its end. Estimate the time needed to complete the tasks identified in the project plan.
Estimate Hours and Timetable:  Determine how many hours each resource will need to complete their assigned tasks—factor in the team member's other priorities to establish a timeframe for the project to be completed. 
Report Project Progress:  Monitor and communicate project progress.  Document relevant information:  Report progress - determine the percentage complete and whether you are on track to meet your commitments.  Standard reporting elements to non-ITS entities are as follows:
TeamDynamix ITS Projects by Priority
Management of Issues and Conflicts:  Identify and resolve issues and conflicts within project teams and escalate where appropriate.



Article ID: 96022
Thu 1/16/20 4:02 PM
Wed 12/18/24 11:59 AM

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