Issue / Question
Instructions for changing project statuses and the difference between completed and deactivated projects.
How do I change project status?
What is a deactivated project?
How do I complete a project?
Audience Affected
Project Completion
Have you noticed that you are unable to change to project status to "Complete" from "In-Process"? You have changed the percent complete to 100%, but nothing has happened. Why?
The "Complete" status is one that is available only when you are at the point of closing the project.
Completing the Project
Note: If you close a project without deactivating it, various sections of the project can still be edited.
CAN NOT add or modify plans or tasks on them; While closing the project, you can choose to close out any still open Tasks, Risks, and Issues
CAN continue to enter time
Briefcase / File Cabinet is NOT Accessible
Role forecasts CAN NOT be manipulated
Resources CAN NOT be added or removed
CAN NOT add milestone, baselines, contacts, issues, links or add items to the risk register.
Difference between Completed vs. Deactivated Project
Deactivating a project does not necessarily mean that the project has been complete.
Both options allow reporting on a project, but the close option allows the project manager to do more things.
If you deactivate a project without closing it:
Recommendation - Review, Close, Deactivate Later
Ensure that your project documentation is comprehensive and "mop up" any things that need to be taken care of.
Once all time has been recorded and documentation has been added to the briefcase, you can close your project.
Go to Manage Projects/Workspaces
Select your project and go to Actions > Close
Select the status
Confirm project health
Confirm percent complete
Notify others of project completion
When a project is deactivated, the project is removed from the project list of every member of the project. It is essentially archived; however, the project manager can activate the project at any time to restore it to the Active section of the Management console and give others access to the project and workspace again.
In order to Deactivate / Activate a project, the project manager must:
Navigate to "Applications then Projects."
In the left navigator, select the appropriate project.
Select the "Project Details" tab.
Click on the green Actions button
Select "Deactivate" from the list.