Quiz Activity 0.1: Overview [Faculty]


This is an overview of the process of quiz creation in Moodle ISU. The 3 main steps of quiz creation are outlined within this handout. There are 3 steps involved in the creation of a quiz. This overview briefly covers each of the 3 steps, along with post-creation.



This is an overview of the process of quiz creation in Moodle ISU. The 3 main steps of quiz creation are outlined within this handout. There are 3 steps involved in the creation of a quiz. This overview briefly covers each of the 3 steps, along with post-creation. 

This Guide Will Help You to:

  • Locate resources to add/organize in the Question Bank

  • Locate resources to create quizzes in Moodle ISU

  • Locate resources to add questions to the quiz

  • Locate resources to grade and check statistics

  • Seek further assistance

Locate resources to add/organize questions in the question bank

The handouts listed below cover the different styles of questions which can be included in a quiz and organizing your question bank. Organizing your question bank is important for several of the options available in the quiz tool. There are also instructions for importing questions from various publisher test banks.

Locate resources to create a quiz in Moodle ISU

The handouts listed below cover how to create the Quiz on your main course page and describe the various quiz setting options. There is also a guide specific to adding user and group overrides for students needing accommodations, exceptions, or a different testing time.

Locate resources to add questions to a quiz

The handout listed below covers how to add questions to the Quiz from your Question Bank and how to change the options in the Edit quiz section by utilizing the Editing quiz and Order and paging tabs.

Locate resources to grade and check statistics

The handouts listed below cover manual grading and statistics information available after students have completed the quiz.

Seek Further Assistance

For additional assistance, please contact the ITRC at (208) 282-5880 or itrc@isu.edu

For more information, please visit Moodle.org:


Creative Commons License
This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License



Article ID: 53119
Wed 5/2/18 12:00 PM
Sun 11/5/23 12:22 PM

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