ProctorFree is a test proctoring service that utilizes facial detection software as a means of authentication for your proctored test session. It does this by recording a participant’s quiz attempt and then viewing the recording for evidence of cheating. Watch the student demo to see a full walk-through of how the service works.
This guide will help you to:
Tips for taking exams through ProctorFree
Identify the technology that you will need to take an exam
Get ready to take an exam with ProctorFree
Start exam through ProctorFree
Seek further assistance
Tips for taking exams through ProctorFree
- Find a quiet space with no background noise.
- Do not talk out loud during the exam.
- Keep your eyes focused on your computer screen.
- Remain seated during the exam.
Identify technology that you will need to take an exam
- A well-working computer with 1GB of RAM or higher.
- One monitor. Any extra monitors must be disconnected and turned away from you.
- A wired high-speed internet connection (3 Mbps). A wireless internet connection is not recommended.
- Any webcam with 640x480 video pixel resolution (a laptop camera is acceptable).
- Working speakers connected to the computer.
- A microphone connected to the computer (a laptop camera with a built-in microphone is acceptable).
- Flash player version 7 or higher.
- Browser compatibility: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.
Warning: Chromebooks, phones, and tablets do not work with Proctorfree.
For more information please review Technical Requirements and Desktop Application - System Check.
Get ready to take an exam with ProctorFree
If this is your first time using ProctorFree, you will need to download the ProctorFree Desktop application. You will only need to perform this action once. Once ProctorFree is installed, continue to the Start quiz through ProctorFree section of this document. You’ll need to have your government-issued ID.
- On the Course page, click Proctorfree: Student Portal.
- Select the desired quiz
- Note: Use the Practice Quiz w/ ProctorFree to test your system.
- In the pop-up window, click Open URL: ProctorFree
- Click Download.
- After the launcher is downloaded, another popup window will appear, click Run
- A new window will appear, stating Please click the exam link to start proctoring exam. That message indicates that the ProctorFree launcher has been successfully downloaded.
Start exam through ProctorFree
The following steps will help you to start a Quiz with ProctorFree:
Take the computer to a quiet space with no background noise
Close all non-essential programs on your computer, turn off all unapproved devices, and provide a clean environment meeting the requirements set forth by your institution
On the Course Homepage, click ProctorFree: Student Portal
Select the quiz/exam that you need to take.
The ProctorFree application will begin a three-step phase
Compatibility Test (phase 1) - The app will begin testing performance, web camera, microphone, computer monitor, and Internet streaming.
Capture Profile (Phase 2) - Adjust the camera, Place face in the green outline, click Capture Profile
ProctorFree will authenticate your profile but before creating your profile or authenticating in ProctorFree, it is critical to make sure you meet a few basic requirements. ProctorFree will utilize your camera to create data points of some of your key facial features: eyes, nose, mouth, and jawline. To ensure a quality profile is created for quick and easy authentication for your proctored session it is essential that you remain still, position yourself correctly, and have good lighting.
Position yourself so that your face fills the oval, your chin should touch the bottom of the oval with the top of your forehead touching the top of the oval. The oval will turn green or red to indicate acceptable lighting.
Make sure that your key facial features are well lighted with minimal shadowing around your eyes, nose, mouth, and jawline.
Remove your glasses for profiling and authenticating. (You can wear glasses during the actual exam.)
Remove hats and pull back hair that may prevent clear visibility of your face or forehead.
Remain still throughout the process and focus your eyes roughly 1 inch above your camera. This helps to naturally open your eyes and improve the facial detection mapping process.
It’s okay to smile. If you do smile during the profile creation process, be sure to smile during the authentication process as well.
If for any reason you experience issues creating your profile or authenticating, or simply want help - please contact the ProctorFree support team and they will be happy to assist.
- Capture ID (Phase 3) - show your government-issued id to the web camera to fit within the green outline, click Send ID.
- Start Session - copy the password provided by ProctorFree by coping to clipboard or write it down
ProctorFree without Secure Browser: 
ProctorFree with Secure Browser:
Note: You will not be able to start the quiz without the password.
Click Start proctored session.
Sign your name as it appears in the Acceptance statement, Click Confirm
Click Attempt quiz now, paste or type in the Quiz Password
Click Start attempt
Once you have successfully started a Quiz with ProctorFree. Continue to work through the quiz. After you have submitted your answers, click the Finish button under the webcam view.
Warning: Exams lasting longer than 2 hours will ask the user if they are still present. After 5 minutes with no response, the Proctoring software will begin to turn off.
Seek Further Assistance
Watch the student demo to see a full walk-through of how the service works.
For questions related to your course, contact your instructor.
For technical support using ProctorFree, contact ProctorFree support at:
- Email:
- For the quickest assistance please utilize the Live Chat!
- Activate Live Chat during a standard ProctorFree Session:
- Activate Live Chat during a ProctorFree session with Secure Browser:
For more information, see ProctorFree Knowledge Base

This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.