

How to connect to DeviceNet, ISU's device network.



Some devices do not support certification-based authentication (802.1x), and therefore cannot connect to TigerNet. 
DeviceNet is a network for these devices.
Common DeviceNet devices include:
  • Smart TVs
  • Gaming Consoles (Microsoft Xbox, PlayStation PS5, Nintendo switch, etc. )
  • Shared university device (Such as a front desk check-in station)


  1. Visit the Device Portal
  2. Login to the Portal using your ISU username and password
  3. Type the MAC (hardware address) for the device's wireless card.
  4. Type a brief description of the device and a location
    • Note: Do not use apostrophes in any portion of this process. You will not be able to connect.
  5. Click Submit
  6. Once a device has been registered, connect to DeviceNet using the password: "icmjn3tx25" on the device.
  7. The status of the device will state "Pending" even after it is connected.

Contact ITS if you need additional assistance  





Article ID: 42376
Fri 11/10/17 5:08 PM
Wed 7/10/24 11:43 AM

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