Canvas: Using the Announcements for Faculty


Announcements allow instructors to communicate with students about course activities and post important announcements. They are designed to allow instructors to broadcast information to all members of a course.


  1. In Course Navigation, click the Announcements link.
  2. Click the Add Announcement button.
  3. Type a title for the announcement in the topic title field and add content in the Rich Content Editor. You can also attach a file.
  4. To add an announcement to your course, click the Attach link, then select a file. To download the attached file, click the file name link. To delete the attachment, hover the cursor over the link and click the Delete icon.
  5. In the Options section, you can select various options for your announcement. 
    1. Click the Allow Participants to Comment checkbox to allow other uses to reply to the Announcement.
    2. To prevent users from replying to replies, click the Disallow threaded replies checkbox.
    3. To require students to reply to the discussion before they can see any other replies, click the participants must respond to the topic before viewing other replies checkbox.
  6. By default, the announcement displays immediately after you publish it, and it displays for the duration of the course unless you delete it. However, you can set display dates for the announcement.
    1. To delay the posting of your announcement until a specific date or during a specific date range, enter the dates in the Available from field and Until field, or click the calendar icons to select dates.
    2. To add a time, click the Time drop-down menu. You can enter a time or select a time from the drop-down menu.
    3. To reset the date and time fields, click the Reset button.
    4. Note: You are not required to enter dates in both availability fields. If you want to delay your posting but want it to appear indefinitely, you can leave the Until field blank. If there is no Until date, the announcement will remain visible.
  7. Click the Publish button. Note: Unless the announcement has been set up to become available at a later date and time, once you click the Publish button, the announcement is immediately posted in the course.

See What are Announcements? for more information.