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Canvas: Using the Announcements for Faculty
Canvas: Using the Announcements for Faculty
Announcements allow instructors to communicate with students about course activities and post important announcements. They are designed to allow instructors to broadcast information to all members of a course.
In Course Navigation,
click the Announcements link
Click the Add Announcement
Type a title for the announcement in the
topic title field
and add content in the
Rich Content Editor
. You can also
attach a file
To add an announcement to your course,
click the Attach link
, then select a file. To download the attached file, click the file name link. To delete the attachment, hover the cursor over the link and click the Delete icon.
In the
Options section
, you can select various options for your announcement.
Click the
Allow Participants to Comment
checkbox to allow other uses to reply to the Announcement.
To prevent users from replying to replies, click the
Disallow threaded replies
To require students to reply to the discussion before they can see any other replies, click the
participants must respond to the topic before viewing other replies
By default, the announcement displays immediately after you publish it, and it displays for the duration of the course unless you delete it. However, you can
set display dates
for the announcement.
To delay the posting of your announcement until a specific date or during a specific date range,
enter the dates in the Available from field and Until field,
or click the calendar icons to select dates.
To add a time, click the
Time drop-down
menu. You can enter a time or select a time from the drop-down menu.
To reset the date and time fields, click the
Note: You are not required to enter dates in both availability fields. If you want to delay your posting but want it to appear indefinitely, you can leave the Until field blank.
If there is no Until date, the announcement will remain visible
Click the
button. Note: Unless the announcement has been set up to become available at a later date and time, once you click the
button, the announcement is immediately posted in the course.
What are Announcements?
for more information.
Who will see the announcement?
By default, Canvas will send your announcement to all sections within the course. To select specific sections for the announcement, click the
Post to
drop-down menu and select sections from the list provided.
Teachers and TAs are notified of all new course announcements, unless they are Section restricted.
Can students reply to an announcement?
By default, replies are not allowed in announcements, unless the
Allow Participants to Comment
checkbox is selected.
Note: The
Allow Participants to Comment
option is persistent, meaning the option you select when creating or editing an announcement will carry over when new announcements are created in the course.
Can I send an announcement before my course starts?
Your course must be published for students to receive announcement notifications. Notifications are not sent for announcements created before the course has been published.
If an announcement is created before the course start date and the
Students can only participate in a course between these dates setting
is enabled, students will not receive announcement notifications.
Note: You can create and que your announcements before the course starts by setting a
future date and time
How will students access the Announcements?
Notifications of posted announcements will be sent to students' isu.edu email account.
Students may receive push notifications to their mobile device if they have enabled it in their notification settings.
Note: Individuals can manage how they receive notifications and the notification frequency. To learn more about each notification, default settings, and notification triggers, view the
Canvas Notifications resource document
Students can also view announcements and threaded replies (if allowed) within the course by clicking the
link in
Course Navigation
Can I copy announcements to another course?
As an instructor, you can copy individual announcements in one course directly into any active course in which you are enrolled. You can also
send announcements to other instructors
at your institution.
When you copy an announcement, any assets within that announcement (images, files, etc.) will be included in the announcement copy. Announcement settings, including delay posting dates are also included in the announcement copy. See
How do I copy an announcement to another course?
for more information.
Seek Further Assistance
See the Canvas knowledge base article,
What are Announcements?
For additional assistance, please contact the ITRC at (208) 282-5880 or
Contact the ITRC if you need additional assistance.
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Check out this article I found in the Client Portal knowledge base.<br /><br /><a href="https://tigertracks.isu.edu/TDClient/1950/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=164462">https://tigertracks.isu.edu/TDClient/1950/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=164462</a><br /><br />Canvas: Using the Announcements for Faculty<br /><br />Information about using Canvas Announcements.