Cannot enable editing for Office ( MacOS )


You installed office on your Mac but when you open any files you can not edit them. On the top of the documents you see a banner to enable editing but with no success. 


  1. Open Finder.
  2.  Use the following keys to open the Go To: menu.  Shift + Command + G.
  3. Type in the following string ~/Library/Group Containers.
        - The can be entered with Shift and the key to the left of the key.
  4. Search the folder using Command + F Enter UBF.
  5. Delete all files that start with UBF in the folder.
  6. Close all Office applications.
  7. Save any work in progress on your device.
  8. Restart your Mac.
  9. Open any file in office.
  10. Click Enable editing if prompted. 

Contact ITS if you need additional assistance