URL Resource [Faculty]


You can add links to external websites as a way to include online articles, videos, podcasts, and other resources in your course.

This Guide Will Help You to:

  • Add a URL to Your Course

  • Seek further assistance

Add a URL to your course

  1. Toggle editing on

  2. Locate the week or section in which you wish to add the new assignment

  3. Click Add an activity or resource

  4. Select URL

For more information see, Adding an Activity in Moodle ISU [Faculty]


  1. In the Name textbox, type the name of the web link. (this step is required)

  2. In the External URL textbox, Paste the entire URL beginning with http(s) or Click Choose a link (this step is required). 

  3. If you would like this description displayed on the course page, Check Display description on course page 

" "


  • From the Display dropdown menu, select the setting for how the URL will be displayed.

    • Automatic - selects the best display option.

    • Embed - displays the URL within the webpage with the name and description (if checked).

    • New Window - displays the URL in a new browser window with menus and address bar.

    • Open - displays the description with a link to the URL  in the browser window.

    • In pop-up - displays the URL  in a pop-up window. If selected the width and height can be adjusted.

  • If the Display option is In pop-up, the window size can be modified by changing:

    • Pop-up width (in pixels) textbox - changes the pop-up window’s width

    • Pop-up height (in pixels) textbox - changes the pop-up window height

  • Display URL description will show the description of the resource if the URL is embedded.

[Note: This box will only be accessible if you have selected Automatic or Embed.]

URL variables

This section affects the parameters of a website. 

For more information see, URL variables 

Common module settings

Choose whether to Show or Hide the Page (default is Show)

For more information see, Common module settings

Restrict access

For more information see, Restrict access

Activity completion

For more information see, Activity completion


For more information see, Using tags

To save:

  • Click Save and display to view the resource.  

  • Click Save and return to course to be taken back to the course homepage.

  • Click Cancel to delete the link to the external website.

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[Note: The new resource will always appear at the bottom of the list within the week/topic you have chosen.]

Seek Further Assistance

For additional assistance please contact, ITRC at (208) 282 5880 or itrc@isu.edu

For more information please visit:

Creative Commons License
This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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