ISU's online learning system for academic courses ending Fall 2025.

Categories (10)

Get Started with Moodle

Information on the basics of Moodle, including general navigation and procedures.

Moodle ISU to ISU Canvas Transition

Guides to help transition from Moodle ISU to ISU Canvas.

Articles (6)

Pinned Article Change or Reset your Password

How to retrieve your username or reset your ISU Password.

Pinned Article Change or Reset your Password

How to retrieve your username or reset your ISU Password.

Exporting Moodle Calendar into a Google Calendar [Faculty or Student]

This handout can be used to help you export your Moodle ISU Calendar into a Google calendar.

Checklist: End of Semester [Faculty]

Faculty are responsible for backing up their own course materials at the end of each semester. It is recommended that the gradebook and course content are both retained.