Categories (3)

Class Activities

Instruction and information on doing classwork in Moodle, including taking quizzes and submitting assignments.

Articles (12)

Add an Activity in Moodle ISU [Faculty]

A number of different types of activities can be added to your Moodle ISU course. Activities generally require an action from the student.

Attendance Activity [Faculty]

The Attendance module allows the instructor to track attendance within Moodle ISU and assign a grade in the gradebook. Instructors can determine the points for present, late, tardy, excused or other attendance criteria.

Chat Activity [Faculty]

The Moodle ISU chat tool allows you and your students to communicate synchronously using an instant messaging type format. This tool is commonly used for creating virtual office hours or online chat class meetings.

Choice Activity [Faculty]

The Choice activity allows an instructor to ask students a single question and offer a selection of possible responses.  With this tool you can assess basic understanding of a topic, take a quick poll, and/or ask for group member preferences in learning activities, among other things.

Database Activity [Faculty]

The Database activity allows instructors and students to build, display and search a bank of record entries with specific fields.

External Tool Activity [Faculty]

The External tool enables Moodle ISU users to interact with LTI-compliant learning resources and activities on other websites.

Forum Activity [Faculty]

Forums in Moodle ISU allow students to answer questions, reply to one another, and discuss specific topics.

H5P Activity [Faculty]

H5P is a free and open-source content collaboration framework based on JavaScript. H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package and aims to make it easy for everyone to create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content.

SCORM Activity [Faculty]

The SCORM module enables you to upload any SCORM or AICC package to include in your course.

Survey Activity [Faculty]

The Survey module is a course activity that provides a number of preset survey instruments.

Wiki Activity [Faculty]

Wiki is a collaborative Moodle tool whereby students and professors may add content of many forms in order to create a “webpage” without needing experience with HTML.