Guides to help transition from Moodle ISU to ISU Canvas.

Articles (10)

Pinned Article Moodle ISU: Packing Up Your Course for ISU Canvas Checklist for Faculty

This is a guide for preparing your Moodle ISU Course to backup and import into Canvas. Use the Packing Up Your Course for ISU Canvas Checklist for Faculty to track your progress.

Import Moodle ISU Content into ISU Canvas Course [Faculty]

The Import function allows course content to be moved from your Moodle course to your Canvas course. User data (student files), manually added calendar events, and topic headings (summaries) will not be imported using this function.

Moodle ISU and ISU Canvas Question Bank Visual Reference [Faculty]

This document is meant to provide a visual reference, displaying the layout and functionality of the question banks in both Moodle ISU and ISU Canvas.

Moodle ISU Attendance: Options in ISU Canvas for Faculty

The Attendance tool is an external app (LTI) that can be used for taking attendance in Canvas courses. With the Attendance tool, instructors can keep track of course attendance by taking roll electronically in online or face-to-face courses.

Moodle ISU Feedback: Options in ISU Canvas for Faculty

The equivalent to the Moodle ISU Feedback activity is a Survey in ISU Canvas. Surveys can be used to receive feedback from students or to give extra points for responding to a survey.

Moodle ISU Lesson: Options in ISU Canvas for Faculty

Options available in Canvas for replacing the Moodle Lesson Activity.

Moodle ISU Question Bank: Deleting Unused Questions for Faculty

Deleting unused questions in your Moodle ISU course before you create a backup will make your import into ISU Canvas go more smoothly. It will also ensure that you are not importing extra items that will take up your course storage space.

Moodle ISU: Request a Temporary Course for Faculty

A Temporary (TEMP) course is necessary so faculty can make needed changes to a course in Moodle before moving the course to Canvas.