Moodle ISU Feedback: Options in ISU Canvas for Faculty


The equivalent to the Moodle ISU Feedback activity is a Survey in ISU Canvas. Surveys can be used to receive graded or ungraded feedback from students. 


To add a survey to a course:
  1. In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link
  2. Click the Add Quiz button
  3. Select Classic Quizzes as the Quiz Engine
  4. Click the Submit button
  5. Add a survey title and instructions
  6. Click the Quiz Type drop-down menu and select the desired survey type (Graded or Ungraded)
  7. Select Survey Options such as the assignment group (category), survey score, and availability dates
  8. Click the Questions tab to manually create new questions or to find existing questions
  9. Click the Save button to save work and preview the survey
  10. Click the Publish Button to allow students to view the survey