Turnitin allows the instructor to evaluate the originality of your work and ensure the proper citation of references by comparing other students' electronic documents to a variety of online sources and the Turnitin database. The software then creates an “originality report” that rates submitted assignments and highlights text that appears in its databases or elsewhere on the Internet.
This Guide Will Help You To:
Submit your Turnitin assignment
Submitting a Turnitin assignment is very similar to submitting a regular Moodle assignment. You will know that it is a Turnitin assignment by the icon.

Select the name of the assignment.

[Note: The very first time you access a Turnitin assignment, you will need to agree to the Turnitin User Agreement.]
To see the instructions and due dates, select the question mark in the Turnitin window

Select the Upload submission button.

In the Submission Title, enter the name of your file.
Select the Choose file button or drag file into the boxed area to upload work.

After choosing your file, click Upload and Review.

Select Submit to Turnitin to submit your assignment in the review screen.

A successful Submission screen will show when properly submitted and secured.

View the feedback of your submission
To view your instructor's text comment, select the speech bubble icon from the product toolbar.

Your instructor's text comment is now visible from the Instructor Feedback side panel.

To view the Match Overview, select the red, numerical similarity score from the product toolbar.

The Match Overview will be displayed within the Match Overview side panel.

Please see more information about the Feedback Studio in Turnitin: Accessing paper feedback.
Seek Further Assistance
For additional help with Turnitin, see the Student support from Turnitin.
For additional assistance, contact ITRC at (208) 282 5880 or
For additional information, see the Turnitin Student User Guide.

This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License