A number of different types of resources can be added to your Moodle ISU course. Resources are generally electronic files which provide information or organizational structure to students. Unlike activities, resources do not have a grading function nor do they provide options for students to interact.
This Guide Will Help You to:
Add a resource to your course
Toggle editing on.

In the week or section you wish to add the resource to, click Add an activity or resource.

Select the Resource tab.
Click on the type of resource you would like to add.
Press the Save and return to course button.

Note: The added resource will be placed as the last item in the work or section.
Understand the Types of Resources
The following can be added into the course:
Book: The book resource allows you to create a multi-page resource with chapters and subchapters. There is also a print function which allows students to quickly print the entire book or just one chapter. Because the Book includes the html editor you can also add pictures, sound and other media, as well as links.
File: The file resource allows you to add a file to your course. Files can be in any format. To access the files both the instructor and the students will need to have the correct software to open them. Files can be added from your computer, your private files area, or other repositories.
Folder: The folder resource allows you to create a folder containing various files with one link on the front page of your Moodle ISU course. You can then add files to the folder and all the students will have access to them automatically through the folder link. Files are listed alphabetically.
IMS Content Package: IMS Content is an international standard format for simple learning content. IMS Packages are most commonly publisher-created content that come with your textbook. This resource allows you to upload an IMS package to your course. If you have questions about using an IMS package, please contact the ITRC.
Label: The Label resource adds a label or heading. By default there is a summary label in each week/topic. Labels can be useful in organizing course content.
Page: The page resource allows you to create an internal web page using the html editor included with Moodle ISU.
URL: The URL resource adds a link to an outside web page.
Seek Further Assistance
For additional assistance please contact, ITRC at (208) 282 5880 or
For more information please visit, Resources.

This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License