Welcome to the MyISU information page. MyISU is the new, dynamic, personalized portal for Idaho State University's (ISU) faculty, staff, and students. MyISU provides customizable, quick access to information and tools.
Please choose from the following topics to learn more about MyISU
(Check the box next to View Details (far right) to expand/collapse a section)
MyISU Basics
How do I sign into MyISU?
Type your ISU Username
Type your ISU Password
Note: You will have to authenticate with DUO to log into MyISU.
How do I Find My Bengal ID
Note: The School ID provided in your profile is not your Bengal ID
Is MyISU available as an App for my mobile device?
MyISU is currently available on iOS through the app store.
Note: Stayed tuned, the design team is currently working on an App for Android devices.
Home Screen
Move Cards
MyISU provides an easy, customizable experience to move cards on your home screen.
Hover over the Card Title you would like to move on your home screen
When the 4-way arrow appears, click and hold the left button on your mouse to drag and drop the card to your preferred home screen location.
MyISU provides an easy, customizable experience to remove cards from your home screen.
- Click the Bookmark in the top right corner of a card to remove it from your home screen.
Home Button
MyISU provides an easy, customizable experience to return to your home screen at any time.
Main Menu
MyISU provides an easy, customizable experience to search for additional cards from the main menu.
Search for Cards
MyISU provides an easy, customizable experience to search for additional cards to make your work and school life easier.
Category Search
MyISU makes it easy to search for new cards by Category.
MyISU makes it easy to search all cards listed in the MyISU portal.
Find Cards
Locate Find cards
Type a topic of choice
Select a topic from the drop-down list
This feature will search all cards in MyISU
If a card comes up that doesn't match your exact search word, select the card provided as your topic might be listed on that card.
Scroll Cards
MyISU makes it easy to scroll all cards provided in the portal
MyISU makes it easy to search by topics.
Click Discover
Scroll and Select a topic of choice to view cards containing your topic
Note: Deselect your topic to return to the main search.
MyISU provides an easy, customizable experience to save cards to your home screen.
- Note: If the card is currently on your home screen, the Bookmark will be shaded
Click the Bookmark (top right corner of a card)
My Profile
MyISU provides an easy way to locate important personal information
The Details section auto-populates with your individual information
- Select a drop-down to view information
Note: Your School ID is not your Bengal Number.
My Account (center)
The My Account Category provides cards that have information directly relating to you.
Click the My Account button (top center)
Select a Card to view your information
MyISU provides easy one-stop access to your Gmail and Google Calendar
Click the Main Menu button (top left corner)
Navigate to the Resources Section (left side)
Select ISU Gmail or ISU Calendar
Note: Your home page is customizable and you can
save or
remove cards at your leisure.
How do I Enter or Approve Time?
Click the Main Menu button (top left corner)
Select the Work Category (left side)
Navigate to the Time Entry & Employment Details card
Click Personal Information Dashboard
Note: Your home page is customizable and you can
save or
remove cards at your leisure.
How do I find my ISU ID?
Click the Main Menu button (top left corner)
Select My Account Category (left side)
Navigate to the ISU ID & Account Management card
Click ISU ID
Note: Your home page is customizable and you can
save or
remove cards at your leisure.
How do I Register for Classes?
Click the Main Menu button (top left corner)
Select Academics (left side)
Navigate and Click the Registration Landing Page card
Note: Your home page is customizable and you can
save or
remove cards at your leisure.
How do I find my Performance Review?
Click the Main Menu button (top left corner)
Select the Work Category (left side)
Navigate and Click the Talent Management card
Click Performance
Click Performance Review
- You will need to sign into Talent Management using your ISU Username and ISU Password to access your performance review
- Your home page is customizable and you can save or remove cards at your leisure.
Can I request a new card in MyISU for my department or area?
One of the cool features of MyISU is the ability to customize cards. Departments can request new cards for their area.