Extra credit is currently not a default option in Canvas. However, you can give students extra credit using a variety of options.
Compatible activities marked as extra credit in Moodle ISU will import into ISU Canvas, but will not be marked as extra credit.
How do I add an extra credit assignment?
Create a new assignment with zero points possible and select any submission type. Assignments set to the No Submission type work well for classroom activities, such as extra credit in-class discussions or presentations.
After students submit their assignment, you can add and adjust points in the Gradebook.
Note: For a zero-point assignment to factor into a student's grade, you must add a positive point value to at least one additional assignment in any assignment group.
You can also add extra points to an Assignment you've already created and graded by manually entering extra points in the Gradebook.
You can add extra credit using a rubric in SpeedGrader by entering a point value that is greater than the points possible for a criterion. The Total Points calculation will reflect any extra points awarded for each Criterion.
How do I add extra credit to a discussion?
- Extra credit can be given in discussions and assignments by awarding points over the set point value.
How do I add extra credit to a quiz?