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Request more printing for use in the ISU Computer Labs.

Course Evaluations are created to evaluate the instruction of any given course within Moodle. This form is for Course Evaluation Coordinators. If you are not the Course Evaluation Coordinator - please contact your department.

A Special course is a Non-Academic course that can be used for developing future courses or be a resource page for students or faculty.

Faculty can request to have their IVC Classroom sessions recorded to the Zoom Cloud and post their recordings to their Moodle Course. IVC Classes are not recorded by default and will need to be requested.

If you enjoy helping people and solving problems, and like to learn about technology, the IT Service Desk is the place for you. We hire students of all majors. We offer flexible schedules and a fun and friendly work environment.

Request temporary access to an ISU Computer Lab for your class or event or request assistance from a lab consultant.