ISU Directory Update


The Idaho State University (ISU) Directory is a valuable tool for contacting you or others on campus. Keeping contact information up to date is essential. and updating your office address and phone number is simple.
Department Head approval is required to add, remove, or change departments or sub-departments.
Changes made will be reflected in the directory but may require a page refresh in your browser.


  • Faculty and staff directory listing updates are maintained by IT Networking and Communication Systems (NetCom) through TigerTracks.
    • Change or Unpublish your Number
      1. Click the ISU Directory Update button (black) to complete the form.
  • Student information displayed in the ISU directory comes from Banner, and your phone number can be self-managed in MyISU.
    • Change or Unpublish your Phone Number
      1. Log into MyISU with your ISU Username and Password
      2. Approve Login using the DUO mobile app or hardware token
      3. Navigate to the  Main Menu (left)
      4. Click the Academics Category (left), Navigate to the Student Records Card, and Click Personal Information Dashboard.
      5. Click the Pencil (right) to Edit or the Plus Sign (right) to add new information.
        • Note: Click Unlisted if you do not want your cell number in the ISU Directory.
      6. Click Update 
  • Information that does Not have a pencil icon, is not editable from the Personal Information Dashboard and you will need to contact the Office of the Registrar.  
  • FERPA BLOCK - Removing your listing from the online directory requires a full FERPA block on your student record. To request a FERPA block, contact the Office of the Registrar.

Contact ITS if you need additional assistance  

ISU Directory Update


Service ID: 53171
Thu 3/9/23 3:08 PM
Tue 8/13/24 4:09 PM