Import Moodle ISU Content into ISU Canvas Course [Faculty]


The Import function allows course content to be moved from your Moodle course to your Canvas course. User data (student files), manually added calendar events, and topic headings (summaries) will not be imported using this function.

In order to have a successful import of your Moodle ISU course into ISU Canvas, we recommend that you follow the steps in the article Preparing Your Moodle ISU Course to Import into Canvas [Faculty].

[Warning: If your course uses Moodle Workshop, Lesson, or H5P, these activities will not import to Canvas correctly. If you use these activities, please check the Moodle → Canvas comparison document, and contact the ITRC for alternative activities you can use in ISU Canvas.]

This Guide Will Help You to:

Import All Moodle ISU Course Content

  1. Select the empty course, or the course that needs the course content, in ISU Canvas.

  2. In the course navigation menu, select Settings

  1. In the right-hand menu, select Import Course Content.

  1. In the Content Type drop-down menu, select Moodle 1.9/2/x.

  2. Select the Browse button to select your Moodle ISU backup file. 

    1. Select the Moodle ISU course backup file, then select Open

  1. Select the Default Question Bank

    1. If your course backup contains a question bank, select the question bank from the drop-down menu. 

    2. If you do not have a current question bank for your course, you can create a new question bank by selecting Create new question bank. For more information about creating and using question banks in Canvas, please refer to the article How do I create a question bank in a course?

[Note: Question Categories from Moodle ISU will lose their hierarchical organization and become a list of alphabetically-arranged individual Question Bank folders in ISU Canvas.]

  1. Next, choose the content you want to import. To move all of the course content, select All Content.

  2. To adjust the dates and times of events and due dates, select the Adjust events and due dates checkbox

[Warning: Importing the same course content more than once will overwrite any existing content in the course.]

  1. Select Import to import the Moodle ISU course backup into Canvas. 

  2. Once the file has finished uploading, you will see a list of Current Jobs. Here, you can view the status of your import. 

[Note: Other statuses may appear either during or upon completion of an import. Learn about other course import statuses.]

  1. Upon completion, access imported course content by selecting any link from the Course Navigation

[Note: It is recommended that you review your Canvas course for the upcoming completion of the import.]

Import Only Select Content From A Moodle ISU Course

  1. Select the empty course or the course that needs the course content.

  2. In the course navigation menu, select Settings

  1. In the right-hand menu, select Import Course Content.

  1. In the Content Type drop-down menu, select Moodle 1.9/2/x.

  2. Select the Browse button to select your Moodle ISU backup file. 

    1. Select the Moodle ISU course backup file, then select Open

  1. Select the Default Question Bank

    1. If your course backup contains a question bank, select the question bank from the drop-down menu. 

    2. If you do not have a current question bank for your course, you can create a new question bank by selecting Create new question bank

  1. Next, choose the content you want to import. To move all of the course content, choose Select specific content

  2. To adjust the dates and times of events and due dates, select the Adjust events and due dates checkbox

[Warning: Importing the same course content more than once will overwrite any existing content in the course.]

  1. Select Import to import the Moodle ISU course backup into Canvas. 

  2. Once the file has finished uploading, you will see a list of Current Jobs. Here, you can view the status of your import. 

[Note: Other statuses may appear either during or upon completion of an import. Learn about other course import statuses.]

  1. Upon completion, you will see the completed upload has a status of Waiting for Selection

  1. Select the Select Content button to select which course content to import into the Canvas course.

  1. Select the checkbox to choose all the content within a category. Select the arrow to expand a category if a category has multiple items. 

  2. Once the content is selected, select the Select Content button

  1. The course import will run, importing only the selected content. 

  2. Upon completion, access imported course content by selecting any link from the Course Navigation

Seek Further Assistance

For additional assistance, please contact ITRC at (208) 282 5880 or

For more information, please visit Instructure | Community Canvas - Instructure Community: Canvas Instructor Guides


Creative Commons License

This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.