Quiz Activity 3.1: Adding Questions to a Quiz in Moodle ISU [Faculty]


Before adding questions to a quiz, there should be questions in the Question bank, and a Quiz activity created in the course.

If these two steps are not completed, see:

This Guide Will Help You to:

Add questions to a quiz

  1. Navigate to the quiz you wish to edit

Weekly topic with dates and displaying Quiz 2 activity

  1. Select Questions in the course navigation menu

Quiz page with menu horizontally placed and the following menu items listed: Settings, Questions, Results, Question Bank and More

  1. Select Add on the right side of the page

Page of a quiz in Moodle with questions and an arrow pointing to the Add choice to add a new question to the quiz

[Note: If you would like the order of the questions to be shuffled, check the Shuffle box above Add]

  1. From the drop-down menu select from question bank

When selected, the Add feature on the quiz Questions page shows the following choices: a new question, from question bank, and a random question; arrow pointing to from question bank

  1. The adding questions window will appear. Select the questions you would like to add to the quiz by checking the boxes next to the questions

    • To select all questions, check the top most box next to the letter T

  2. At the bottom of the page, select Add selected questions to the quiz

Screen showing a list of quiz questions with checkboxes to the left of each one and an arrow pointing to Add selected questions to the quiz button at the bottom

Note: There is not a Save button. Once your questions are added to the quiz, the quiz will save automatically.

Add random questions to a quiz

You can have your quiz randomly generated for each of your students by adding questions randomly from your question bank

  1. Navigate to the quiz you wish to edit

  2. Select Questions in the course navigation menu

  3. Select Add on the right side of the page

  4. Select a random question from the drop-down

When selected, the Add feature on the quiz Questions page shows the following choices: a new question, from question bank, and a random question; arrow pointing to a random question choice

  1. From the top of your Add a random question box, select the category containing the questions you would like to use

  2. From the random questions from an existing category tab, select the number of questions to be added randomly

    • You cannot add more random questions than the number of questions in the category

    • The questions will not be duplicated in the quiz

Category at the top has a dropdown box to select which category to pull questions from to add to a quiz and an arrow is pointing to it; Number of random questions item has a dropdown to select how many questions to add; questions in the selected question bank appear at the bottom

  1. Select Add random question

Note: There is not a Save button. Once the questions are added to the quiz, the quiz will save automatically.

Set question points and maximum grade

The maximum grade of a quiz is determined in the quiz settings. For example: A quiz with 20 questions could have a maximum grade of 20 points. This makes each correct answer worth 1 point. However if you set the maximum grade at 40 but only had 20 questions that would make each question worth 2 points.

  1. Navigate to the quiz you wish to edit

  2. Select Questions in the course navigation menu

Note: By default, each question is worth one “mark” or weight. If all of your questions are worth the same amount of points, continue to step four.

  1. To change the worth of a question, select the pencil icon to the right of a question

Arrow pointing to pencil icon next to the point value of a question in the quiz Questions page

  • The mark will highlight - you can now change the number

Note: To save the change to the weight you must press Enter. If you navigate off of the weight, it will cancel.

To set the maximum grade

  1. In the Maximum grade field, type the value for the Maximum grade

  2. Select Save

Arrow pointing to a box with the number value for maximum grade for a quiz and Save button is to the right of the number box

Note: If you have 10 points, and a Maximum grade of 100, this would make every mark equal 10 points. Therefore, a question that has 1 mark assigned to it would be worth 10 points, and 2 marks would be worth 20. If you change the maximum grade from the default 100, that will automatically change the value of the marks to fit the maximum grade. If you have questions, contact the ITRC - (208) 282-5880 or email itrc@isu.edu

Reorder questions

  1. To move the question up or down, select and hold the crossed arrows then drag the question to its new position

Arrow pointing to crossed arrows icon used to drag a question to a different position on the Quiz Questions page

Note: There is not a Save button. Once you move the questions, the quiz will be automatically saved.

Add a page

Instructors can add a page within a quiz. Pages creates breaks between questions. An instructor can add pages either by repaginating or by manually adding the pages between the questions.

Note:  It is recommended that quiz questions be split into separate pages. If all questions are on one page and the student experiences an issue with the browser or internet connectivity, their quiz will not be saved. A quiz autosaves when a student navigates to a new page.

  1. Select Repaginate in the upper left

On the quiz Questions page an arrow is pointing to the Repaginate button with the Select multiple items to the right

  1. Select the number of questions that you would like per page

Repaginate pop up window with a drop down to select how many questions appear per page on a Moodle quiz

Manually add a page

  1. Add new pages by selecting the arrow icons (the ones pointing away from each other) on the left side of the questions

Arrow pointing to icon of two arrows pointing towards each other on a Moodle quiz Questions page

Manually remove a page

  1. Remove pages by selecting the arrow icon (the ones pointing towards each other) on the left side of the questions

Arrow pointing to icon of two arrows pointing away from each other on a Moodle quiz Questions page

Add a section and section heading

Sections can be used to separate groups of questions in a Quiz. One main use for sections is to create groups that will be shuffled, and others that won’t be shuffled in the quiz. See Adding shuffled and non-shuffled questions

  1. Select the Pencil icon at the top of the questions above Page 1.


  1. Type the name of the section, and press enter to save the name.

  2. Additional sections can be added between pages using the Add link. Refer to the Add a page section for help creating pages in a quiz.

  3. The Add option appears on the right side of the screen between pages. Select Add and a drop-down menu will appear. 


  1. Select + a new section heading in the menu.

  2. You will now need to select the Pencil icon and name this new section heading.

Adding shuffled and non-shuffled questions

Using sections to separate groups of questions, you are able to set certain questions in a quiz to be shuffled into a random order while other questions are not shuffled. For example, you can shuffle all of the multiple-choice questions in your quiz so that they appear in random order, but have your essay questions not be shuffled so they appear in the order you determined.

  1. Separate groups of questions using sections and section headers (see previous section).

  2. At the top of each section, you can select whether you want that section of questions to be shuffled or not. Select Shuffle to shuffle the questions.

  3. Create new sections to alternate between shuffled and non-shuffled questions.


Preview a quiz

Previewing a quiz allows an instructor to view a quiz from the student perspective. This allows the instructor to review the quiz formatting and to look for errors.

  1. Navigate to the quiz you wish to preview

  2. Select the Preview quiz button

Arrow pointing to Preview quiz button on the Quiz page

Note: A Start attempt box will appear. Select the Start attempt button.

Pop up that appears when a timed quiz is begun and an arrow is pointing to the Start attempt button

Note: You can also preview individual questions on the Questions page by selecting the magnifying glass for each question. If you are using a password for your quiz, you will need to enter the password to preview the quiz.

Arrow pointing to the magnifying glass icon used to preview a quiz question in a Moodle quiz

Go through the quiz and verify that it is set up as desired.

  • If you need to correct a question, select the gear icon next to the question.

  • To make any changes to the order, pagination, or to remove/add questions, navigate to the quiz and select Questions in the top navigation menu.

  • Select Finish quiz to see the same review screen that your students will see when they finish their quiz.

Note: In preview mode, an instructor will only see options that students are able to view.

Seek Further Assistance

For additional assistance, please contact the ITRC at (208) 282 5880 or itrc@isu.edu

For more information, see Moodle.org: Building Quiz

Creative Commons License
This work was created by the Idaho State University Instructional Technology Resource Center and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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Article ID: 53131
Wed 5/2/18 10:26 AM
Sun 11/5/23 8:31 AM

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