Search19 Results

Instructions on how to view and pay fees at ISU.
Assists team members to use the Projects/Workspaces application.
The Glossary activity in Moodle allows participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary.
Information on the many links available in the Finance Information Channel in MyISU.
Instructions on how to change where your refund checks are deposited through the eRefund system, or how to remove an account from the system altogether.
Screenshots and Descriptions of some of the reports available in Argos under Registration and Records Reports.
Instructions on using the Scanners located in some of the computer labs at ISU.
Where to find finance information, both on the Finance and Administration Website and in MyISU
How to upgrade Windows for students.
Resources available under the Employees heading in MyISU
How to give access to the Parent's Room in Rendezvous 219.
Information, instructions, and deadlines for deactivating or releasing university-owned cell phones to align with the new Mobile Communications Device Policy effective January 1, 2024.
The following are answers to some of the most common questions.
Screenshots and descriptions of many of the reports available under the Student Campus Wide Reports heading in Argos.
List of numbers contained in the Directories portlet in MyISU