Search13 Results

Services or Offerings?
Installing new network jacks, modifying existing network jacks, pulling network cables, etc.

Report a problem reaching the internet, internal ISU resources or with network related error messages on a wired network.

Report a problem connecting, staying connected or with speed on the ISU Wireless network.

Report a network outage or problem.

Request a DHCP Reservation for a computer or networked device.

PuTTY is a free and open-source terminal emulator, serial console and network file transfer application

Global Protect is the system used to connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) at Idaho State University

Use this form if you need to request an update to your listing in the Directory located at

Request to have a new ISU printer setup and connected to.

Request VPN Access for an ISU Employee, vendor or student.

Faculty can request to have their IVC Classroom sessions recorded to the Zoom Cloud and post their recordings to their Moodle Course. IVC Classes are not recorded by default and will need to be requested.

If you enjoy helping people and solving problems, and like to learn about technology, the IT Service Desk is the place for you. We hire students of all majors. We offer flexible schedules and a fun and friendly work environment.

Request a change to the firewall to get access from your office, home or VPN to restricted ISU Resources.