Google Storage FAQ

Issue / Question
Google has updated its policies on unlimited digital storage. As a result, ISU will now have a storage limit on their Google accounts. Below are some frequently asked questions about this change.
  • Note: Reminders will be sent via Idaho State Today and ROAR Weekly, along with information forums, and posted on the ITS Google Storage Limits webpage.
Transition Timeline
How do I locate my Google group ISU data limit role?
What happens if I go over/reach my new storage limit?
Can I pay for additional storage?
I need more space. Can you increase my individual/shared drive limit?
What Google Apps will be available, and what will not be available?
What if I have multiple roles (i.e., student and faculty)?
How were these storage limits determined?
Storage Limits 
Where do I find how much storage my shared drive is using?
Will all Google file types (e.g., Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.) count against my storage limit?
If another user shares files with me in Google, do those files count against my storage limit?
Will storage limits be set for department, service, and club accounts?
Will Google Sites count against my storage limit?
Does storing recorded Zoom meetings on Google Drive count toward my storage limit?
Exporting/Managing Data 
What options do I have to store my university data?
Can I delete email attachments without deleting the email?
Can ITS transfer my Google data for me?
Can I transfer my data to my personal Google account? (i.e., Google Takeout)
Can I export and download my Google data?
I have too much email taking up storage space - what should I do?
Is there a way to find duplicate files in Drive and delete those duplicates?
Can I transfer my email from my ISU account to a personal account using POP?
How do I transfer and delete my Google photos?
Why hasn't my data usage decreased even though I deleted files?
Can I move my data to a shared drive?
How do I stop saving my photos automatically to my ISU account?

 If you need additional assistance, please Contact ITS  

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Article ID: 155503
Fri 11/10/23 9:48 AM
Tue 5/7/24 2:39 PM

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Google Takeout is a tool to export and download your Google account data, such as Drive or Mail content. Save locally or upload to a third-party cloud storage service. Here you will find the instructions on how to use it.
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