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Instructions on how to access and navigate the Banner 9 Student Advisor Profile and view a Student's profile information.
Users can customize Moodle to their own personal preferences. They can change general information such as their location, timezones, preferred languages and themes. They can add a profile picture and a brief description about themselves. Users can also change preferred settings such as how their email will be displayed and the format. Users can change subscription types and tracking forums.
Information on the Employee Card in MyISU
Instructions on using the My Profile tool in MyISU to look up your class schedule, major, and other personal information.
We will discuss how to configure your security settings at your account level at These options include password restrictions, restricting sign-in methods, as well as other user profile settings.
How to transfer and delete your Google Photos.
The following are answers to some of the most common questions.
ProctorFree is a test proctoring service that utilizes facial detection software as a means of authentication for your proctored test session. It does this by recording a participant’s quiz attempt and then viewing the recording for evidence of cheating.
Instructions for un-syncing Google Photos from your phone.
Online proctoring allows a student to take an exam at home or work. In most cases, students will be required to have a web camera and a microphone to connect live with a proctor. Students will need to share their computer screen and show a current photo ID. The online proctor will observe the student and their computer screen during the exam and report any discrepancies. Currently, a Live Proctoring Service is available for those teaching eISU courses.
Zoom allows users to Live Stream their event to YouTube Live. If you are having trouble using the YouTube Live Streaming, you should check the following items.
Instructions on how to set up or change your account claim email or phone number in ISU's Identity Management System.
Forum Preferences allows the user to adjust forum notifications, subscriptions, and tracking of read and unread posts in forums.
Explains the various options in the Faculty and Advisors menu
Troubleshooting steps to re-connect an iPhone or iPad to ISU's wireless networks.