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ITS uses 5 different types for project classification. Implementation, Change, Compliance, Business Process Improvement and Other
There are several types of questions that you can add to a Quiz. This guide will provide brief descriptions of each question type. Click on the Additional Information link to learn how to create each type of question.
Below are explanations of the different types of questions that you may see in your quizzes.  If you have any questions about a quiz, contact your instructor.
A variety of file types can be upload to a Moodle ISU course. Common file types include: .doc, .pptx, .mp4, and .pdf.
There are a variety of file types that you may encounter when using Moodle ISU.
Size of files and types of information stored with Box at ISU.
Size of files and types of information stored with GSuite at ISU.
The manual grading function allows teachers and graders to individually grade quiz questions. The most common manually graded question type is an essay question.
A number of different types of activities can be added to your Moodle ISU course. Activities generally require an action from the student.
A number of different types of resources can be added to your Moodle ISU course. Resources generally provide information or organizational structure to students
The Activities block provides quick links to all types of activities such as assignments, forums, quizzes, and resources.
The Moodle ISU chat tool allows you and your students to communicate synchronously using an instant messaging type format. This tool is commonly used for creating virtual office hours or online chat class meetings.
Once you have created a workshop, you will need to edit the Assessment Form. There are four different assessment forms that can be used within the workshop. Once you have selected a specific assessment type, you will be taken to this form to edit the specific grading criteria.
The quiz activity allows you to create tests and adaptive learning assessments. Moodle ISU can automatically grade many of the question types and place the overall score in the Gradebook.
Users can customize Moodle to their own personal preferences. They can change general information such as their location, timezones, preferred languages and themes. They can add a profile picture and a brief description about themselves. Users can also change preferred settings such as how their email will be displayed and the format. Users can change subscription types and tracking forums.